Past Grantees
Heather Frankland
Awardee: Heather Frankland
Institution: Pierce College
Department/Discipline: English
Course Title: Creative Writing
Description: Creative writing is not only about seeing the world differently but getting your readers to step in your vision. As readers, we will practice discussing the texts and our classmates’ work. Each student will explore the questions: What is effective writing? What moves me? How did the authors create this effect? By exploring these questions, students will gain an idea of their personal aesthetic as well as challenge that aesthetic. As writers, not only will students write poetry, short fiction, and playwriting but they will be completing assigned artist sketches, writing prompts, and a revision of one of the three forms. Students will hone their skills as critical readers, thinkers, and writers through the readings and written assignments. Although writing is often viewed as an intimate activity one does alone, it is important to recognize and support our writing community. Due to this, you will be required to submit two pieces to SLAM: One will be a poem from our Asian poetry segment and the other creative piece is to be determined by you.