
Undergraduate Student Organizations

The Jackson School of International Studies encourages participation in student activities and organizations as an excellent way to experience personal growth, meet new friends, share common interests with other students, faculty and staff, and have some fun outside the classroom. If you’d like to broaden your scope beyond the Jackson School, look for groups at UW that share your interests through UW Registered Student Organization Directory.

Jackson School Student Association

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Jackson School Student Association logo

Jackson School Student Association

The Jackson School Student Association (JSSA) is the student organization for the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington. JSSA aims to provide relevant programming and social opportunities for International Studies majors and minors. We host internationally-focused events, facilitate networking between students and professors, and strive to advance the interests of all Jackson School students.

All Jackson School students are welcome and encouraged to engage with JSSA events and social media to stay current with relevant opportunities.

Email JSSA if you are interested in joining the JSSA governing team or have questions!

Rainier Institute for Foreign Affairs

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Rainier Institute logo

Rainier Institute

The Rainier Institute for Foreign Affairs (RI) is a bipartisan, 501(c)(3) non-profit foreign policy research organization based in Seattle Washington. The RI focuses on three areas of research: security & diplomacy, human rights & development, and business & economics. RI strives to produce policy analyses and insights addressing the most important international relations issues today.

RI scholars bring their unique skill sets, academic focuses, and diverse backgrounds to develop and publish nuanced policy recommendations, analyses, and commentaries. Additionally, we host speaker events, panel discussions, and conferences on pertinent foreign affairs topics.


Student African Studies Association

Student African Studies Association logo

Student African Studies Association

Check out our Instagram account!
Our association serves as a link between students’ educational interests and the African Studies Program’s current and potential offerings in classes, events, and employment opportunities. SASA events will bring professors, educators, organizations to present their field of study or initiative within the African continent: North, East, South, West. Topics presented or discussed will include subjects that will connect each school/college’s discipline to African Studies at the UW.

The Euro Club at University of Washington

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Euro Club logo

Euro Club at UW

The Euro Club is a community for students of all majors who are passionate about Europe. Our events range from fun student socials to interesting guest lectures. Check out our social media or contact us for info on upcoming events and how to get involved!


A unique resource for Undergrads – Jackson School Journal

Are you a Jackson School major? Submit your essay to us!

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Check out the @uwjacksonschool Instagram account!


Volume 12, Issue 1 (Spring 2024)

Who are we?:

The Jackson School Journal of International Studies is the undergraduate peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to showcasing the research and policy writing by students in the Jackson School and the University of Washington.

Founded in 2009, the Jackson School Journal is a biannual publication, and accepts submissions on a rolling basis. Undergraduate students, supported by a faculty Advisory Board, run all aspects of the Journal’s production. The Journal receives generous support from the Jackson School of International Studies and the University of Washington Center for Global Studies.