Academic Programs


These course lists contain courses both explicitly on a South Asian topic (“History by Bollywood”, “Introduction to Modern South Asia”) and courses with an international or relevant thematic focus taught by South Asia Center affiliated faculty (“Women in International Development,” “Writing Workshop for Public Scholarship”).

For the most current course offerings, please visit the UW Time Schedule.

Quarterly Course Offerings

Current Academic Year

2024-25: Autumn / Winter

Recent Offerings

2023-24: Autumn / Winter / Spring / Summer
2022-23: Autumn / Winter / Spring
2021-22: Autumn / Winter / Spring
2020-21: Autumn / Winter / Spring
2019-20: Autumn / Winter / Spring
2018-19: Autumn / Winter / Spring
2017-18: Autumn / Winter / Spring
2016-17: Autumn / Winter / Spring
2015-16: Autumn / Winter / Spring
2014-15: Autumn / Winter / Spring

South Asia Comprehensive Course List (PDF)

Last Updated 04/26/2018

(* When taught by South Asia Program Faculty or when topic is focused on South Asia.)


ANTH 204 Reading Ethnography*
ANTH 269 Introduction to the Silk Road
ANTH 316 Modern South Asia
ANTH 317 Anthropology of Tibetan Civilization
ANTH 323 Human Rights Law in Culture and Practice*
ANTH 339 Social Movements in Contemporary India
ANTH 341 Political Violence and the Post-Colonial State in South Asia
ANTH 345 Women and International Economic Development*
ANTH 352 Buddhism and Society: Theravada Buddhist Tradition in South and SE Asia
ANTH 412 South Asian Social Structure
ANTH 442 Global Asia
ANTH 456 Contemporary Ethnography*
ANTH 469 Special Studies in Anthropology*
ANTH 471 Colonialism and Culture*
ANTH 498 Women’s Rights and Politics in Islamic Society
ANTH 517 Seminar on South Asia
ANTH 523 Seminar on Religious and Political Violence
ANTH 526 Political Islam & Islamic Fundamentalism
ANTH 539 Social Movements in Contemporary India

Art History

ART H 214 Art of India: Mohenjo-Daro to the Mughals
ART H 312 Art and Empire in India, 1750-1900
ART H 314 Modern and Contemporary Art in India
ART H 400 Art History and Criticism*
ART H 414 Topics in South Asian Art
ART H 514 Seminar in South Asian Art
ART H 521 Topics in Asian Art*

Asian Languages and Literature

NOTE: For South Asian Languages, please see “Languages” heading below

ASIAN 203 Literature & Culture of Ancient & Classical India
ASIAN 206 Literature and Culture of South Asia from Tradition to Modernity
ASIAN 207 Special Topics in Literature and Culture of Asia*
ASIAN 223 Buddhist Literature
ASIAN 225 Asian Philosophical Literature
ASIAN 263 Great Works of Asian Literature*
ASIAN 401 Introduction to Asian Linguistics*
ASIAN 404 Writing Systems*
ASIAN 405 Advanced Problems in Asian Linguistics*
ASIAN 494 Ramayana in Comparative Perspective
ASIAN 498 Special Topics in Asian Languages and Literature *
ASIAN 580 Seminar in Hinduism Studies
ASIAN 585 Seminar in Buddhism

Bothell Campus Courses

B BUS 480 Global Environment of Business
B CORE 104 Politics and Practice of Yoga*
BIS 300 Interdisciplinary Inquiry*
BIS 339 Issues in Global Cultural Studies*
BIS 466 Human Rights and Resistance
BIS 480 International Study Abroad*
BISCLA 380 Arts in Context*

College of Built Environments

ARCH 251 World Architecture: Non-Western Cultures*
ARCH 445 South Asian Architecture I
ARCH 446 South Asian Architecture II
ARCH 498 Special Projects*
ARCH 598 Special Projects*
B E 210 Global Built Environments*
B E 210 Global Built Environments II*
URBDP 498 Special Topics*

Comparative Cinema and Media Studies

CMS 320 Cinema and Nation*
CMS 597 Special Topics in Cinema and Media Studies*

Comparative History of Ideas

CHID 390 Colloquium in the History of Ideas*
CHID 480 Special Topics: Advanced Study of the History of Ideas*
CHID 484 Colonial Encounters*
CHID 485 Comparative Colonialism

Comparative Literature

C LIT 322 Asian and Western Literatures*
C LIT 323 Literature of Emerging Nations*


ECON 491 Issues in Economic Development*
ECON 591 Microeconomics of Development*


ENGL 316 Postcolonial Literature and Culture*

Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies

GWSS 333 Gender and Globalization: Theory and Process*
GWSS 339 Social Movements in Contemporary India
GWSS 345 Women and International Economic Development*
GWSS 446 Global Asia
GWSS 490 Special Topics in Women’s Studies*
GWSS 539 Social Movements in Contemporary India
GWSS 555 Feminist International Political Economy*


GEOG 335 Geography of the Developing World*
GEOG 436 Social and Political Geography South Asia
GEOG 343 Comparative Geography of Youth


HSTAFM 250 Mongol Empire
HSTAS 201 Ancient Indian Civilization
HSTAS 202 Modern Indian Civilization
HSTAS 244 Imperialism and Anti-Colonialism in Asia
HSTAS 245 Human Rights in Asia
HSTAS 303 Environmental History of South Asia: Divided Lands/Divided Lives
HSTAS 401 History of Ancient India
HSTAS 402 History of Medieval and Mughal India
HSTAS 403 History of Modern India to 1900
HSTAS 404 History of Twentieth-Century India
HSTAS 408 Fabulous Gurus and Fake Fakirs: Religious Reform in Colonial India
HSTAS 501 Indian History
HSTAS 502 Interdisciplinary Study of South Asia I
HSTCMP 121 Global History of Feast and Famine
HSTCMP 225 The Silk Road
HSTCMP 290 Topics in Comparative/Global History*
HSTCMP 407 Modern World History*
HSTCMP 466 Sport and the British Empire in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East
HSTCMP 484 Colonial Encounters (5)*
HSTCMP 485 Comparative Colonialism
HSTCMP 530 Comparative Colonialism: Methodological Approaches
HSTCMP 566 Sport and the British Empire in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East
HSTRY 288 Topics in History*


HUM 597 Special Topics in the Humanities*

International Studies

JSIS 203 Rise of Asia
JSIS 478 Special Topics in International Studies*
JSIS 483 Special Topics in Asian Studies*
JSIS 485 Special Topics in South Asian Studies
JSIS 495 Task Force*
JSIS 498 Readings in International Studies*
JSIS 546 Modernity After Empire: View from the Global South
JSIS 578 Special Topics in International Studies*
JSIS A 202 Introduction to South Asian History, 1500 – present
JSIS A 206 Contemporary India and Pakistan
JSIS A 207 Asian Civilizations: Traditions
JSIS A 210 Introduction to Islamic Civilization
JSIS A 244 Imperialism and Anti-Colonialism in Asia
JSIS A 245 Human Rights in Asia
JSIS A 268 Introduction to the Silk Road
JSIS A 303 Environmental History of South Asia: Divided Lands/Divided Lives
JSIS A 316 Modern South Asia
JSIS A 339 Social Movements in Contemporary India
JSIS A 340 Government and Politics of South Asia
JSIS A 341 Political Violence and the Post-Colonial State in South Asia
JSIS A 412 South Asian Social Structure
JSIS A 417 Political Economy of India
JSIS A 431 Demographic Issues in Asia
JSIS A 434 International Relations in South Asia
JSIS A 438 Social and Political Geography of South Asia
JSIS A 452 Global Asia
JSIS A 461 Ramayana in Comparative Perspective
JSIS A 508 Interdisciplinary Study of South Asia I
JSIS A 509 Interdisciplinary Study of South Asia II
JSIS A 510 South Asian Studies Research Design Seminar
JSIS A 513 Capstone Portfolio
JSIS A 531 Social Movements in Contemporary India
JSIS B 331 Political Economy of Development*
JSIS B 333 Gender and Globalization: Theory and Process*
JSIS B 335 Geography of the Developing World*
JSIS B 426 World Politics*
JSIS B 345 Women and International Economic Development*
JSIS B 347 Comparative Geography of Youth
JSIS B 406 Political Islam
JSIS B 407 Islamist Movements
JSIS B 523 Seminar on Religious and Political Violence
JSIS B 526 Political Islam


LAW B 556 Islamic Law
LAW E 560 Muslim Legal Systems

Law, Societies, and Justice

LSJ 321 Human Rights Law in Culture and Practice*
LSJ 421 Women’s Rights and Politics in Islamic Society
LSJ 510 Topics in Law, Societies & Justice*


MUSEN 389 World Music Ensemble*
MUSEN 589 World Music Ensemble*
MUSIC 252 Music Cultures of the World: Asia
MUSIC 428 Music of North India
MUSIC 445 Selected Topics in Ethnomusicology*
MUSIC 447 Music of Southern India
MUSIC 512 Seminar in Ethnomusicology*
MUSIC 533 Preceptorial Readings in Ethnomusicology*

Near Eastern Languages and Civilization

NEAR E 230 Introduction to Muslim Beliefs and Practices
NEAR E 268 Introduction to the Silk Road
NEAR E 536 Islamic Law

Political Science

POL S 340 Politics of India, Pakistan, and South Asia
POL S 403 Advanced Seminar in International Relations*
POL S 417 Political Economy of India
POL S 426 World Politics*
POL S 432 Political Islam
POL S 434 International Relations in South Asia
POL S 540 Special Problems in South Asian Politics


RELIG 120 Yoga: Past and Present
RELIG 202 Introduction to World Religions: Eastern Traditions
RELIG 211 Introduction to Muslim Beliefs and Practices
RELIG 352 Hinduism
RELIG 354 Buddhism
RELIG 356 Buddhism and Society: Theravada Buddhism in South and Southeast Asia
RELIG 454 Seminar: Topics and Issues in Buddhism
RELIG 456 Perceptions of the Feminine Divine in Hinduism
RELIG 459 Topics in the Buddhism of Tibet
RELIG 490 Special Topics in Religion*
RELIG 554 Seminar: Topics and Issues in Buddhism
RELIG 580 Seminar in Hinduism Studies
RELIG 590 Special Topics in Religion*


SOC 201 War, Peace, and the Sociology of Survival
SOC 434 Demographic Issues in Asia

Tacoma Campus Courses

T ARTS 281 Art and Culture in India
TRELIG 333 Buddhist Thought
TRELIG 365 Hinduism and Buddhism
TRELIG 366 Islam



BENG 101, 102, 103 Elementary Bengali
BENG 200 Introduction to Modern Bengali Language, Literature and Culture
BENG 201, 202, 203 Intermediate Bengali
BENG 301, 302, 303 Advanced Bengali
BENG 499 Independent Study in Bengali


HINDI 101, 102, 103 Elementary Hindi
HINDI 201, 202, 203 Intermediate Hindi
HINDI 301, 302, 303 Advanced Hindi
HINDI 404 Derivational Morphology of Hindi/Urdu
HINDI 421 Survey of Modern Hindi Literature
HINDI 422 Survey of Modern Hindi Literature: Poetry
HINDI 423 Survey of Modern Hindi Literature: Novel
HINDI 424 Survey of Modern Hindi/Urdu Literature: Drama
HINDI 431 Advanced Conversational Hindi
HINDI 451 Advanced Hindi Readings
HINDI 499 Undergraduate Research
HINDI 501 Studies in Classical Hindi Literature (Braj)
HINDI 502 Studies in Classical Hindi Literature (Avadhi)
HINDI 503 Studies in Classical Hindi Literature (Sant Bhasha)
HINDI 504 Studies in Classical Hindi Literature (Rajasthani)
HINDI 510 Structure of Hindi
HINDI 524 Survey of Modern Hindi/Urdu Literature: Drama


INDN 401, 402 Pali
INDN 410 Prakrit
INDN 490 Senior Seminar
INDN 499 Undergraduate Research
INDN 530 Readings in Pali Literature
INDN 590 Special Topics in Indology


PRSAN 101,102, 103 Elementary Persian
PRSAN 105 Intensive Elementary Persian
PRSAN 201, 202, 203 Intermediate Persian
PRSAN 401 Introduction to Persian Literature
PRSAN 402 Classical Persian Literature: A Survey
PRSAN 403 Modern Persian Literature: A Survey
PRSAN 404 Critical Readings in Modern Persian
PRSAN 405 Media Persian
PRSAN 454 The Epic Tradition in Iran
PRSAN 490 Supervised Study
PRSAN 496 Special Studies in Persian
PRSAN 499 Undergraduate Research
PRSAN 511, 512, 513 Elementary Persian
PRSAN 515 Intensive Elementary Persian
PRSAN 521, 522, 523 Intermediate Persian
PRSAN 541 Introduction to Persian Literature
PRSAN 542 Classical Persian Literature: A Survey
PRSAN 543 Modern Persian Literature: A Survey
PRSAN 544 Critical Readings in Modern Persian
PRSAN 545 Media Persian
PRSAN 596 Special Studies in Persian
PRSAN 600 Independent Study or Research


SNKRT 101, 102, 103 Introduction to Sanskrit
SNKRT 201, 202, 203 Intermediate Sanskrit
SNKRT 311, 312, 313 Advanced Sanskrit
SNKRT 491, 492 Vedic Studies
SNKRT 494 Readings in Religious Classics of India
SNKRT 495 Studies in Indian Thought
SNKRT 499 Undergraduate Research
SNKRT 511, 512, 513 Elementary Sanskrit
SNKRT 521, 522, 523 Intermediate Sanskrit
SNKRT 531, 532, 533 Advanced Sanskrit
SNKRT 550 Seminar on Sanskrit Literature
SNKRT 555 Seminar on Sanskrit Grammar
SNKRT 560 Readings in Philosophical Sanskrit
SNKRT 570 Seminar in Indian Epigraphy and Paleography
SNKRT 581, 582 Readings in Buddhist Texts


URDU 101, 102, 103 Elementary Urdu
URDU201, 202, 203 Intermediate Urdu
URDU 301, 302, 303 Advanced Urdu
URDU 401, 402, 403 Fourth-Year Urdu
URDU 424 Survey of Modern Hindi/Urdu Literature: Drama
URDU 499 Independent Study
URDU 524 Survey of Modern Hindi/Urdu Literature: Drama