Financial Aid and Fellowships

Regions & Themes


JSIS supports students in the program by prioritizing a limited number of TA positions for our Ph.D. students. Our goal is to guarantee all accepted Ph.D. students twelve TAship quarters during the first five years of the Ph.D. Program. UW TAships require about 220 hours of assigned work per quarter. In addition, where funding allows, JSIS will attempt to provide RAships for first year Ph.D. students. Ph.D. students are encouraged to seek additional funding opportunities through JSIS Centers and programs.

In addition, UW has other available funding sources and fellowships. Applicants are encouraged to explore these options.

Jackson School Ph.D. Funding Opportunities

Doctoral Travel and Research Grants

Thanks to the generosity of the Jackson Foundation, the Ph.D. Program is able to support fieldwork by our doctoral students. These grants, given out on a competitive basis, will specifically support student travel and research plans to advance their dissertation work.