Sohaa Khan

Sohaa graduated with an M.A. in Diplomacy and International Relations (2022) from Seton Hall’s School of Diplomacy and International Relations with specializations in International Law and Human Rights as well as Asian Studies. Her areas of interest include studying social media and communications and the impact that the online world can have on inciting and exacerbating religious, ethnic, and racial tensions and violence. She touched on these issues in her articles Storytime: Social Media Leads to Violence and Religious Persecution at Home and Abroad: The Case of India. Her Master’s thesis focused on how hate speech posted on social media leads to violence against religious minorities in Pakistan and India.
At JSIS she plans to continue and expand on this topic and focus on the role and effects of artificial intelligence and how it can be used to create false narratives that lead to more hate and result in more violence, and what can be done to address the root issues of these problems.