Karthik Malli

In a previous life, Karthik worked as an independent researcher/writer focusing on the intersection of writing, language, and identity, with a focus on peninsular India. His writing attempted to bridge the gap between academic research and the public sphere, and has appeared in fiftytwo.in, The Caravan, Deccan Herald, and The Hindu. With Typotheque, a Netherlands-based type foundry, he worked on longform reports examining the typographic evolution of the Devanagari and Malayalam scripts.
His research interests include script politics, language standardization, linguistic nationalism, typographic histories, Deccan history, and more. He is particularly keen on learning from other scholars and writers at JSIS.
Scholarships awarded : Frank F. Conlon Fellowship (2024-25), Indian American Community Services (IACS) scholarship (2024-25).
Contact : karmalli@uw.edu