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Distribute 2020: Reflecting on Feminist Research Praxis in Pakistan

May 15, 2020

On May 7, 2020, South Asia Center students and faculty attended the virtual panel “Reflecting on Feminist Praxis in Qualitative Research: Views from Pakistan,” as part of the biennial conference of the Society for Cultural Anthropology and the Society for Visual Anthropology, Distribute 2020. The panel was organized by scholars at the Lahore University of Management Sciences and featured Professors Gwendolyn Kirk and Nida Kirmani (LUMS), Zebunnisa Hamid (LUMS), Tania Saeed (LUMS), and Mariam Durrani (Hamilton College).  The #Distribute2020 website hosted panels, presentations, films across three days, with each day’s 8-hour schedule played three times on the site’s live-stream channel. Following the virtual panel and Q&A session with presenters, graduate students from the South Asia Center joined together on Zoom to share reflections on the event. Sharing perspectives from their own research and fieldwork, students discussed how race, identity, and gender shape qualitative research and ethnographic practice in South Asia.