A message from the Jackson School of International Studies Director and Jackson School Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
The murder of George Floyd while in police custody and the trial of Derek Chauvin have become catalysts for social protests and difficult discussions about racism and police brutality disproportionately targeting Black communities in the United States. With Chauvin’s guilty verdict, there is closure on one very painful case. But we recognize that this cannot be the end of an ongoing struggle against racism and violence in our legal and policing institutions.
We also recognize that the guilty verdict does not return George Floyd to his loved ones, nor does it give justice to many families whose loved ones were killed under similar circumstances. Through teaching, research, administration, scholarship, and service, the Jackson School strives to better understand how historically produced and intersecting inequalities are perpetuated.
The extent of racism and inequality that feeds injustice in the criminal justice system is so pervasive and long standing that everyone may play a role in turning the tide of cultural norms, indifference, and cruelty that perpetuate it. We stand in solidarity with victims of police brutality and we encourage those interested to learn more about local organizing efforts to tackle these issues.
We include references below, as well as this link to President Ana Mari Cauce’s statement.
COVID-19 Mutual Aid: Seattle Community Relief During Coronavirus
King county equity now
Blaqelephant party
East Side Coalition
Black food Sovereignty NW
Mutual aid books Seattle
Black Coalition
Decolonize Seattle
Leela Fernandes, Director of the Jackson School and Stanley D. Golub Endowed Chair and the Jackson School Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Staff and Faculty Representatives