From September 28th through October 7th, Seattle has the privilege of hosting one of the largest South Asian film festivals in the country. Now in its 13th year, Tasveer draws films and film makers from around the world. Pakistan will be the featured region this year, along with the theme #KnowMe.
The South Asia Center has been a long time sponsor and ally of Tasveer. This year we will proudly host five screenings on campus, including the festival’s centerpiece film, Salam: The First ****** Nobel Laureate.
For a complete schedule and to buy tickets visit the festival website. The following details are for campus screenings.
October 3rd, 5 – 7 PM, Thomson Hall 101
Rawaa’n || 66 mins || Urdu || Pakistan || 2017
A coming of age story of two people in a post-apocalyptic setting going on a road trip to save their lives, it’s about making peace with your demons and seeing life differently.
Simple Simon || 8 mins || English, Other || Canada || 2018
The parents of a young girl are dismayed when she begins bullying her imaginary friend.
October 3rd, 7 – 9 PM, Thomson Hall 101
Insha’allah Democracy || 81 mins || English, Urdu || Pakistan, UK, UAE, US || 2017
Filmmaker Mo Naqvi will vote for the first time during Pakistan’s elections. His priority is backing a candidate who will prevent Pakistan from becoming a terrorist state. But Mo has a tough choice – either vote for religious hardliners or for secular liberal leader General Musharraf, a former military dictator. Insha’Allah Democracy chronicles one voter’s journey: to see if democracy is compatible with an unstable Muslim country.
Loug – The People || 8 mins || Punjabi || Pakistan || 2017
An old couple is mysteriously held in a police station of their town in Pakistan. Their crime is unknown, and their insult is extreme. What have they done?
October 4th, 7 PM, Ronald Geballe Auditorium
Salam: The First ****** Nobel Laureate || 74 mins || English || US || 2017
Salam is the definitive story of Abdus Salam, the first Pakistani to win the Nobel prize. The film captures in vivid detail his life’s journey—from a small village in Pakistan to worldwide scientific acclaim—and his fraught relationship with his homeland, where he faced rejection for being a member of the “heretical” Ahmadiyya movement.
October 5th, 10 AM – 1 PM, UW Bothell Discovery Hall Room 252
Perween Rehman: The Rebel Optimist || 67 mins || Urdu || Pakistan || 2016
An architect and urban planner, Perween Rahman dedicated her life for the poor of Pakistan. She was shot dead by armed assailants on her way home in March 2013.
UW Symposium || Freedom of Expression and Documentary Filmmaking in South Asia
This panel will explore the role played by filmmakers in South Asia at a time when freedom of expression in the region – constitutionally guaranteed as a fundamental right – is increasingly threatened by a plethora of state and non-state actors.