The South Asia Center welcomes two incoming visiting Fulbright Scholars from South Asia, who will be joining UW in Winter Quarter 2023. Visiting scholars carry out a research project under the supervision of a UW faculty mentor, and join in the intellectual community of the South Asia Center and associated departments across campus. Read on to learn more!
Sarfraz Khan (Pakistan)
Home Institution: Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
Project: Family Aspirations in Conflict with Legislation: Agency, Structure and Culture of Irregular Migration in Pakistan
UW Faculty Mentor: Nathalie Williams, Professor of International Studies and Sociology
Fellowship Term: March 1, 2023 – February 28, 2024
Sarfraz Khan (PhD 2017 Social Anthropology, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan) has a vast teaching and research experience in different Pakistani universities which spans over 17 years. Currently he is working as an Assistant Professor in the School of Sociology, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad. He has been working on cross-cutting transnational migration issues within the context of Pakistan. He is one of the founding members of the Health and Migration Research Network and has organized a collaborative international conference on Health and Migration (December 2019). His research interests include irregular/undocumented migration, remittances, gender, education, and health. He will be focusing on the project “Family Aspirations in Conflict with Legislation: Agency, Structure and Culture of Irregular Migration in Pakistan” for his postdoctoral fellowship stay under Fulbright Scholar Program 2022-23 at University of Washington, Seattle.
Anu Unny (India)
Home Institution: University of Kerala, Trivandrum
Project: Politics of Climate Change
UW Faculty Mentor: Sara Curran, Professor of International Studies; Director, Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology
Fellowship Term: February 27 – October 26, 2023
Dr. Anu Unny is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Kerala, India. She is also the Hon. Director of UGC-Nehru Studies Centre, University of Kerala. Before joining the University of Kerala, she worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of Delhi. Dr. Unny completed her Masters and PhD Programmes from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi. In 2017, she presented a paper in the International Studies Association (ISA) Conference held in Baltimore. Under the Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship affiliating with the South Asia Center, University of Washington, Dr. Unny will conduct research and lecture on the subject area ‘Politics of Climate Change’. She will try to understand the nuances of US policy and politics revolving around climate change and will explore the challenges and possibilities in strengthening India-US climate cooperation. Apart from climate politics, Dr. Unny is interested in research on gender issues, human rights and Indian politics.