Randall Kyes, Adjunct Research Professor, Global Health Research Professor, Psychology Adjunct Research Professor, Anthropology, and students representing several institutions from NE India embarked on the 8th annual field course (and outreach program) at the Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary (protected forest) near Mariani/Jorhat, Assam, India. Professor Kyes has sent us some photos from the field. Follow his field course and future programs here. This program aims to assist local people to enhance their livelihoods and to support the mission of the Wildlife Sanctuary.
Field course participants from Universities around NE India.
Field course participants work together during a primate population sampling field exercise.
Finishing up our 8th annual Field Course in Conservation Biology & Global Health in Assam, India with an outreach education program for 62 children at the Meleng Saiding Primary School. It has been another amazing year. Thank you to all.
Kids reactions during our outreach presentation at the Meleng Saiding Primary School (near the H. Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary) in Assam, India