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Photos From SACPAN 2018

March 16, 2018

March 2nd & 3rd marked the 51st year of The South Asia Conference of the Pacific Northwest (SACPAN). Held on the beautiful campus of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, SACPAN reiterated the values of its founders by creating a light and lively space for regional students and scholars to share their work, refine their ideas, and maintain a community of researchers from the PNW that work on South Asia. SACPAN has always been an unusual conference. An exceedingly open and welcoming environment, it puts students on the podium, many of them for the first time. It allows them to hear lectures and get feedback from globally renown scholars, and build long lasting connections. Here are a few photos from SACPAN 2018.

All photos kindly provided by Ian Bellows, a student in the International Studies program at the University of Washington’s Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies.

Panel 4 (top): ​Early Modern and Colonial Texts and Contexts; Panel 5 (bottom): Health and Social Interventions

Panel 8 (top): Formations of Gender; (bottom) Filmmaker Gurvinder Singh

Keynote speakers: Gyanendra Pandey (top) on Unarchived Histories: Men, Home and India’s Anti-colonial Struggle; Ruby Lal (bottom) on The Small Things of History: Archive for Nur Jahan, the Great Mughal