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Allen Opportunity Award supports South Asian Art History collection at UW

January 20, 2015

South Asian PaintingThe South Asian Art History collection at the University of Washington Libraries recently received the libraries’ Allen Opportunity Award of $ 7,500. This award is a huge boost for the library collection as well South Asian Art History program.

Ms. Deepa Banerjee , the South Asian Studies Librarian was recently successful in securing Allen Opportunity Grant by UW Libraries to enhance and further develop the South Asian Art History Collection. She proposed acquisitions of special materials (art catalogs, video arts, exhibition paintings, books and journals published by art galleries and museums) that support South Asian Art History program.

Ms. Deepa Banerjee worked in collaboration with UW Art History Professor Sonal Khullar to come up with a list of wide variety of resources in various formats to be acquired through this grant.

The departments that would benefit from these proposed materials are Art History, History, Anthropology, English, GWSS, Geography, Comp. Literature, South Asia Studies and Cinema Studies Program.

Selected example of courses that would be supported through these collections include
ART H 214 Art of India: Mohenjo-Daro to the Mughals
ART H 306 Indian Art of South Asia
ART H 312 Art and Empire in India, 1750-1900
ART H 314 Modern and Contemporary Art in India
ART H 400 Art History and Criticism
ART H 414 Topics in South Asian Art
ART H 509 Topics in Asian Art
ART H 514 Seminar in South Asian Art

About South Asian Art History Program

South Asian Art History is a new and emerging field of study that was introduced to Arts Department and South Asia Program at the University of Washington in 2009-2010. Sonal Khullar, Assistant Professor, Art History offers courses on the art of India from antiquity to the present, colonial and postcolonial museums in South Asia, critical historiography and methods, and globalization in the art world.

About Allen Opportunity Awards

The University of Washington Libraries’ Kenneth S. and Faye G. Allen Library Endowment Funding for Collections & Information Resources Policy designates that funds from the Allen Endowment be allocated for collection development purchases and projects. These allocations provide funding for the Allen Opportunity Awards for the Collections. The awards are especially appropriate when there is a need to respond to time-critical situations or fill crucial gaps in library collection for specific subject areas. Libraries staff with collection responsibilities are encouraged to apply for funds as the need arises.