International Policy Institute

Outer Space Initiative

The Space Security Initiative (SSI) aims to develop a standing forum in the Pacific Northwest of academics and professionals with an interest in matters of outer space security. The work of the SSI will focus on technology development, industrial strategy, domestic politics, international relations, military security, and environmental protection.

The SSI capitalizes on the growing number of public and private actors engaged in space-related activities in the Pacific Northwest, and connects them to area-based expertise, particularly focused on Asia, within the Henry M. Jackson School. Both the Pacific Northwest and Asia represent new regions and new frontiers in outer space. By combining policy-relevant academic research in dialogue with public, private, and military stakeholders, SSI encourages a holistic approach to understanding space security and policy in these new regions.

Feature Series

Space Security Initiative Brief

International studies perspectives on space policy of major powers

  • general space_launch2
  • Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship
  • Shavit
  • NASA satellite photo
  • Signing the cooperation agreement in Valetta

Outer Space Faculty

Outer Space Fellows