Clint Work

Ph.D. 2019
Doctoral candidate Clint Work (2014 Cohort)

Dissertation Project


Professional Background

Researcher at International Crisis Group (ICG, Seoul)


Spanish, Korean, Qualitative Methods



Clint received his B.A. from Boston College, with a double major in Philosophy and Political Science and a minor in History. He went on to receive his M.A. from the University of Chicago’s Committee on International Relations (CIR), where he studied modern U.S.-East Asia relations and South Korean political economy. Following this, he worked in the International Crisis Group’s (ICG) Seoul office.

Currently, as a Ph.D. candidate at the Jackson School, his work broadly focuses on South Korea’s foreign and national security policy, Korean political culture, U.S.-Korean relations, and U.S. foreign policy. More specifically, his dissertation research and writing centers on U.S.-Korean relations under President Jimmy Carter in the late 1970s and Carter’s abortive withdrawal of U.S. ground combat forces from South Korea. He has several academic publications. In addition, he has written for more popular, non-academic outlets, such as The Diplomat, Sino-NK, and the Peterson Institute for International Economics’ North Korea: Witness to Transformation blog. He recently became the regular foreign and national security policy writer for The Diplomat’s Koreas Page.


Grants & Fellowships

  • SSI (Space Security Initiative) Junior Fellow, IPI, University of Washington, 2015-2016.
  • George W. Long Fellowship, University of Washington, 2014-2015.
  • Richard B. Wesley Endowment Ph.D. Fellowship, University of Washington, 2014-2015.
  • Summer FLAS Fellowship, University of Washington, Summer, 2015.
  • Academic Year FLAS, University of Washington, 2015-2016.
  • University of Chicago, M.A. in International Relations, Graduate with Honors Distinction, 2012-2013.
  • Boston College, Dean’s List, 2002-2006.

Post Graduation


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