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Robinson features as guest editor in Oxford University Journal of Refugee Studies

October 16, 2018

Jackson School Associate Professor Cabeiri Robinson, an anthropologist and expert in international studies, comparative religions and South Asian studies, is a guest editor of a special issue on forced migration in and of Asia in Oxford University’s Journal of Refugee Studies, published in September 2018.Cabeiri Robinson

The Forced Migration In/Of Asia publication is the direct product of a workshop Robinson co-directed in Seoul, Korea, in spring 2016 under the auspices of a grant awarded by the Social Sciences Research Council Inter-Asian Studies Initiative, and under the umbrella of an interdisciplinary and trans-regional project that Robinson has been collaborating on for several years.

Special Issue: Forced Migration In/Of Asia; Journal of Refugee Studies vol. 31:3.
Introduction: Forced Migration In/Of Asia—Interfaces and Multiplicities Journal of Refugee Studies vol. 31:3, pp. 262-273
Read the Foreced Migration In/Of Asia introduction