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Québécois, Nationalism and Refugee Law: Notes from two Canada FLAS fellows

January 3, 2018

Canada FLAS Fellows Amy Delo and Boo Dodson
Left: FLAS fellow Amy Delo and a friend from the Université Laval’s French language program at the Montmorency Falls outside of Québec City. Right: FLAS fellow Boo Dodson

“Many people in Québec City do not speak English so I was forced out of my comfort zone by speaking French in daily life, as well as in the classroom. The ability to study in Québec was invaluable to improving my French language skills, and developing my research aims. I now plan to focus on the relationship between Québécois nationalists and the Indigenous peoples of Québec.”  -Amy Delo

Two Canadian Studies Center FLAS fellows recently wrote about their FLAS-funded summer French language studies.  Amy Delo, a graduate student in International Studies, studied Québécois in Montreal and Québec City.  She also recently wrote an analysis of Québec’s role in Arctic politics in which she recommends that Québec engage in meaningful dialogue with indigenous populations.  Boo Dodson, a JD student in Law, is learning French to support his study of Canadian and U.S. refugee and immigrant law.  He writes:

“The two countries [Canada and the United States] share a similar immigrant history, but are often split on the process of integration and resettlement. FLAS afforded me the opportunity to maximize my research in this area as it gives me access to the distinct immigrant communities of Québec. Upon graduation, I hope to work as an immigration attorney, be it domestic or abroad, assisting immigrants with an often overly complicated and intimidating system.” -Boo Dodson

Read the posts on the Canadian Studies Center website: Amy Delo. Boo Dodson.

FLAS Fellowships are funded by the International and Foreign Language Education Office of the U.S. Department of Education. FLAS fellowships support undergraduate, graduate and professional students in acquiring modern foreign languages and area or international studies competencies. Students from all UW departments and professional schools are encouraged to apply. Find out more about the FLAS Fellowship here.