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Putting the Arctic Back on the Map

A Progress Report in Anticipation of the Arctic Council's Twentieth Anniversary

Task Force 2016

Putting the Arctic Back on the Map


Kenneth Yalowitz

Kenneth Yalowitz

Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Belarus from 1994-1997 and to Georgia from 1998-2001

Faculty Adviser

Nadine Fabbi

Nadine Fabbi

Acting Assistant Professor

Brandon Ray

Brandon Ray

MA student, International Studies & Marine and Environmental Affairs

Task Force

  • Erika Doane
  • Jake Creps
  • Laura Heckenlively
  • Kelsey Brewster
  • Danika Moore
  • Allison (Allie) Rutz
  • Claire Wang
  • Elizabeth Castro
  • Jordan Habenicht
  • Michael (Mac) Zellem
  • Kyle Wheeler
  • Ivalene Laohajaratsang

The Arctic Council is the leading intergovernmental forum that promotes cooperation in the Circumpolar North. A dynamic region, the Arctic experiences both the opportunities and difficulties associated with climate change. We seek to evaluate the shortcomings and successes of Arctic policy and produce a renewed vision for the Arctic Council.


Holistic evaluation of the Arctic Council’s performance in the past two decades:

  • Section one focuses on the effects of climate change in the Arctic. We analyze problems relating to resource extraction, pollution, and climate-induced relocation.
  • Section two discusses the capacity building of Indigenous peoples. Food security, education, and mental wellness will be addressed.
  • Section three covers the economic and legal policies of the Arctic, with a focus on maritime traffic and economic development.
  • Section four addresses issues relating to Arctic security and cooperation, including geopolitics and search & rescue policies.
  • Section five discusses potential reformation of the Arctic Council.


  • ENSURE SUFFICIENT FUNDING to increase indigenous participation capacity within the Arctic Council.
  • INCLUDE REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS as part of the Arctic Council to bridge the gap between differing perceptions on various topics regarding Arctic policy.
  • PROMOTE REGULAR COMMUNICATION between Member States, Permanent Participants, and among working groups to encourage increased coordination in management and find common priorities of Arctic issues.
  • CREATE A TRACKING SYSTEM that is efficient and effective to check on the progress of projects and research assigned to working groups and task forces as a mean of enforcement mechanism.


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