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Director’s message: spring 2018

June 25, 2018

Resat Kasaba

On June 7, we celebrated the graduation of 322 of our students; 62 of whom received a master’s, 258 a bachelor’s, and 2 doctoral degrees in International Studies. For me, the most exciting part of the spring Convocation is reading about the impressive records of our students.

This year, Lisa Kwak, who graduated with a double major in Dance and International Studies, received the Dean’s Medal in Humanities, one of the highest honors the College of Arts and Sciences bestows on a graduating senior. The 2018 winner of the Jackson Leadership Award is Kaia Boonzaier, who was in the UW Honors Program and graduated with a joint major in International Studies and Economics. She will be using her award money to do environmental volunteer work on organic agricultural  practices in Quito, Ecuador.

We were very pleased to receive the second Carnegie Corporation of New York grant on “Bridging the Gap between Academia and the Policy World” in spring 2018. With this $1 million renewal, we will continue the work we have started in bringing policy into our research and strengthening our International Policy Institute, which we established with our first Carnegie grant.

We are also extremely proud that our colleague Christian Novetzke is selected as a Guggenheim Fellow, and the Director of East Asia Resource Center Mary Hammond Bernson has been awarded an Order of the Rising Sun from the Government of Japan.

I hope that you will enjoy reading more about these and some of our other activities and accomplishments in this newsletter. I thank you for your interest and your continued support.

Reşat Kasaba
Director – Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies
Stanley D. Golub Chair of International Studies