Academic Programs
European Studies Major and Minor
The European Studies Program combines social sciences and humanities to investigate the forces that have shaped Europe historically and continue to do so today. Using multidisciplinary approaches, we guide our students to examine the diversity of social, cultural, political, and economic factors that shape Europe. We also put emphasis on the post-war movement towards European integration that increasingly defines Europe’s role as a global actor. Students pursuing European Studies will gain a solid foundation on which to build careers that ask for understanding the continent’s legacies and the European Union. Students may also pursue, within the European Studies major, a minor in Hellenic Studies or a minor in Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies. Our students pursue European Studies for careers that range from diplomacy and international business to government, education, journalism, and culture-related professions.
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European Studies Major
The European Studies major prepares Jackson School students to pursue careers worldwide while gaining an understanding of contemporary issues, historical background, and political systems that are shaping Europe today. This major allows students to focus on global discussions, as well as the geographical regions of Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, and the Soviet Union.
European Studies Major Requirements (effective Autumn 2020)
50 credits plus language proficiency*
Course # | Title | Credits | Quarter |
JSIS 201 | The Making of the Twenty-first Century | 5 | Winter or Spring |
JSIS A 301 | Europe Today | 5 | |
European History | See approved list | 10 | Any |
Global Elective | See approved list | 5 | Any |
European Studies Electives | See approved list | 20 | Any |
European Studies Senior Capstone: JSIS A 494 or 495 | European Studies Senior Seminar / Thesis option | 5 | Autumn/Spring |
European Language through second year | Through proficiency test or successful completion of an applicable college-level second year (e.g., UW’s Spanish 203). See approved list.* | ||
Minimum Elective Credits at 300-400 level | A minimum of 15 elective credits must be at the 300-400 level. | ||
Minimum Grade | A minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in all European Studies major courses is required. | ||
Online Program Guide | Total Credits: 50 plus language proficiency |
Required Course Descriptions
JSIS 201 The Making of the 21st Century (I&S)
Provides a historical understanding of the twentieth century and major global issues today. Focuses on interdisciplinary social science theories, methods, and information relating to global processes and on developing analytical and writing skills to engage complex questions of causation and effects of global events and forces.
JSIS A 301 Europe Today (I&S)
A multi-disciplinary approach to contemporary Europe focusing on social, political, cultural, and economic change, with special reference to developments in the countries of the European Union, Scandinavia, and those in Eastern Europe in the post-Soviet era.
JSIS A 494 is a 5-credit senior seminar course of varying content in which students research and write a paper of substantial length.
JSIS A 495 is a 5-credit thesis-style senior capstone project, in which students demonstrate and use the knowledge gained in previous coursework and experience to research and write a thesis (c. 8000 words) under the supervision of a selected faculty member. If you are interested in the thesis option, please consult with your advisor or the Euro Studies program director.
European Studies Major Course List
Find below courses listed by area requirement, starting with required courses and European history courses, followed by electives.
You can also view courses listed alphabetically by course subject here:
Find quarterly course lists and featured courses here:
Required Courses
- JSIS 201 The Making of the Twenty-first Century
- JSIS A 301 Europe Today
- JSIS A 494 or JSIS A 495 Senior Seminar or European Studies Senior Thesis
Language Requirement
Modern European Language other than English.
*Proficiency through 2nd year college level or higher. Minimum applicable language level listed. Proficiency tests may substitute. *
Arabic 203 Intermediate Arabic, BCMS 406 Second Year Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian, Bulgarian 406 Second Year Bulgarian, Czech 406 Second Year Czech, Danish 203 Second Year Danish, Estonian 203 Second Year Estonian, Finnish 203 Second Year Finish, French 203 Intermediate French, Georgian Second Year Georgian, German 203 Second Year German, Greek 213 Second Year Modern Greek, Latvian 203 Second Year Latvian, Lithuanian 203 Second Year Lithuanian, Icelandic Second Year Icelandic, Italian 203 Intermediate Italian, Norwegian 203 Second Year Norwegian, Polish 406 Second Year Polish, Portuguese 203 Intermediate Portuguese, Romanian 406 Second Year Romanian, Russian 203 Second Year Russian, Slovenian 406 Second Year Slovene Language II, Spanish 203 Intermediate Spanish, Swedish 203 Second Year Swedish, Ukrainian 406 Second Year Ukrainian
European History
- ARCH 352 History of Modern Architecture: Western World 1750 to present
- ART H 203 Survey of Western Art – Modern
- ART H 361 Italian Renaissance Art
- ART H 366 Northern Renaissance Art
- ART H 373 Southern Baroque Art
- ART H 374 Northern Baroque Art
- ART H 461 Gender and Sexuality in Classical Art and Archeology
- ART H 471 Rome in the 17th Century: Baroque Art in Rome
- ENGL 212 Literature of Enlightenment and Revolution
- ENGL 225 Shakespeare
- ENGL 323 Shakespeare to 1603
- ENGL 324 Shakespeare after 1603
- ENGL 325 English Literature: The Late Renaissance
- ENGL 326 Milton
- ENGL 327 English Literature: Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century
- ENGL 328 English Literature: Later Eighteenth Century
- ENGL 329 Rise of the English Novel
- FRENCH 211 Renaissance, Enlightenment, Revolution: Major Works in English
- FRENCH 305 Texts and Traditions
- FRENCH 414 French Literature of the 18th Century: Enlightenment
- GERMAN 421 Studies in Eighteenth-Century and Culture
- HSTAM 370 / SCAND 370 The Vikings
- HSTAM 443 / JSIS A 443 Medieval Russia: 850-1700
- HSTCMP / CHID 207 Introduction to Intellectual History (Western)
- HSTEU 301 Early Modern European History: 1450-1648
- HSTEU 302 17th – 18th Century Europe: Enlightenment and Revolution
- HSTEU 303 Contemporary European History Since 1815
- HSTEU 304 Cultural History of Renaissance Europe
- HSTEU 305 European Witch Trials
- HSTEU 323 France Since 1814
- HSTEU 334 Germany 1871-1989
- HSTEU 361 Spain and Its Golden Age, 1469-1700
- HSTEU 364 / JSIS A 364 Modern Greece: 1821 to the Present
- HSTEU 368 / JSIS A 368 Modern European Jewish History
- HSTEU 370 J.R.R. Tolkien: A Mythology for England
- HSTEU 376 Modern Irish History
- HSTEU 378 The Making of Contemporary France
- HSTEU 380 / SCAND 380 History of Scandinavia to 1720
- HSTEU 381 / SCAND 381 History of Scandinavia Since 1720
- HSTEU 401 The Italian Renaissance
- HSTEU 402 The Reformation
- HSTEU 405 European Intellectual History: 18th Century
- HSTEU 406 European Intellectual History: 19th Century
- HSTEU 407 European Intellectual History: 20th Century
- HSTEU 409 The Catholic Church in Europe, 1914-present
- HSTEU 411 Europe: 1814-1870
- HSTEU 412 Europe in the Age of the Masses: 1870-1914
- HSTEU 413 Europe: 1914-1945
- HSTEU 414 Europe Since 1945
- HSTEU 415 The Second World War
- HSTEU 422 The French Revolution and Napoleon: 1789-1815
- HSTEU 432 Germany: 1914-1945
- HSTEU 435 World War I
- HSTEU 444 / JSIS A 444 Imperial Russia: 1700-1900
- HSTEU 445 / JSIS A 445 The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union
- HSTEU 451 East-Central Europe Since 1342
- HSTEU 452 Eastern Europe Since 1918
- HSTEU 453 History of the Balkans, 1400 to the Present
- HSTEU 454 / SCAND 454 Baltic History
- HSTEU 464 / JSIS A 468 The Jews in Spanish History
- HSTEU 465 / JSIS A 465 The Jews of Eastern Europe
- HSTEU 470 The Jacobethan Age: England 1580-1630
- HSTEU 471 England in the Sixteenth Century
- HSTEU 472 England in the Seventeenth Century
- HSTEU 474 Britain at its Imperial Peak
- HSTEU 475 Britain in the 20th Century
- HSTEU 482 Fascism in Europe
- HSTEU 490 Topics in European History
- ITAL 402 Early Modern Italian Readings
- ITAL 403 Early Modern Italian Readings II
- ITAL 470 Dante
- ITAL 480 Dante’s Comedy in English
- ITAL 481 Dante’s Comedy in English
- ITAL 482 The Decameron in English
- JSIS A 251 Events That Shook Modern Europe: From The French Revolution To The EU
- JSIS C / HSTCMP 250 Introduction to Jewish Cultural History
- MUSIC 264 Sacred Music in the European Tradition
- PHIL 437 Philosophy of Hume
- POL S 309 Western Tradition of Political Thought
- POL S 310 The Western Tradition of Political Thought, Modern
- RELIG 305 Religious Thought Since the Middle Ages
- RUSS 321 Eighteenth Century Russian Literature and Culture
- SCAND 251 Holberg and His Comedies in English
- SCAND 370 / HSTAM 370 The Vikings
- SCAND 380 / HSTEU 380 History of Scandinavia to 1720
- SPAN 305 Survey of Spanish Literature 1498-1681
- SPAN 433 Golden Age Prose
- SPAN 440 Spanish Drama: 1150-1600
- SPAN 441 Spanish Drama: 1600-1635
- SPAN 453 Cervantes and His Times
Global Elective Courses
- HSTCMP 440 / JSIS B 440 The Communism Experience Around the World
- JSIS A 304 / GEOG 303 Contemporary European Migration
- JSIS A 465 International Humanitarian Law
- JSIS B 315 Law State and Society
- JSIS B 324 Immigration
- JSIS B 330 International Political Economy
- JSIS B / GWSS 333 Gender and Globalization
- JSIS B / GEOG 344 Migration in Global Economy
- JSIS B / SCAND / ENVIR 350 Environmental Norms in International Politics
- JSIS B / LSJ 366 Comparative Law and Legal Cultures
- JSIS B / GEOG 375 Geopolitics
- JSIS B 386 Law/Pol International Trade
- JSIS B 388 Political Economy of Industrialized Nations
- JSIS 406 / POL S 432 Political Islam and Islamic Fundamentalism
- JSIS B 407 Political Islam and Contemporary Islamist Movements
- JSIS B 422 International Trade and Security
- JSIS B 424 The Politics of International Nuclear Security: Weapons, Energy, and Environment
- JSIS B / POL S 426 World Politics
- JSIS B 427 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Development, Deployment, and Detection
- JSIS B / POL S 436 Ethnic Politics and Nationalism in Multi-Ethnic Societies
- JSIS B 437 Global Diasporas
Additional Electives
- ANTH 425 / JSIS A 427 Anthropology of the Post-Soviet States
- ANTH 469 Special Studies in Anthropology (when subject matter is European)
- ARCH 351 Architecture of the Medieval and Early Modern World
- ARCH 352 History of Modern Architecture: Western World 1750 to present
- ARCH 457 / ART H 491 Twentieth Century Architecture
- ARCH 458 Paris: Architecture and Urbanism
- ARCH 459 / ART H 493 Architecture Since 1945
- ARCH 498 Special Projects (when subject matter is European)
Art History
- ART H 203 Survey of Western Art – Modern
- ART H 250 / ITAL 250 / HSTEU 250 Rome
- ART H 290 History of Architecture
- ART H 309 Topics in Art History (when subject matter is European)
- ART H 354 Medieval Art
- ART H 361 Italian Renaissance Art
- ART H 366 Northern Renaissance Art
- ART H 373 Southern Baroque Art
- ART H 374 Northern Baroque Art
- ART H 380 Nineteenth- and Twentieth Century Art
- ART H 381 Art Since WWII
- ART H 391 Paris Architecture
- ART H 400 Art History and Criticism: Various Topics (when subject matter is European)
- ART H 454 Topics in Byzantine and Medieval Art
- ART H 461 Gender and Sexuality in Classical Art and Archeology: Greek/Roman
- ART H 471 Rome in the 17th Century: Baroque Art in Rome
- ART H 473 Topics in Baroque Art
- ART H 483 Post-Impressionism to 1918
- ART H 484 Topics in Modern Art (when subject matter is European)
- ART H 493 / ARCH 459 Architecture Since 1945
- ART H 494 / ARCH 498 / JSIS A 433 Paris: Architecture and Urbanism
- ART H 495 / ITAL 475 Italian Fascism: Architecture and Power
Classical Archaeology
- CL AR 341/ ART H 341 Greek Art and Archaeology
- CL AR 342/ ART H 342 Roman Art and Archaeology
- CL AR 343/ ART H 343 Hellenistic Art and Archaeology
- CL AR 442/ ART H 442 Greek Painting
- CL AR 443/ ART H 443 Roman Painting
- CL AR 444 / ART H 444 Greek and Roman Sculpture
- CL AR 446 / ARCH 454/ ART H 446 Greek Architecture
- CLAS 210 Greek and Roman Classics in English (when subject matter is Hellenic)
- CLAS 320 Society and Status in Greece and Rome
- CLAS 324 Greek and Roman Athletics
- CLAS 326 Women in Antiquity
- CLAS 328 Sex, Gender, and Representation in Greek and Roman Literature
- CLAS 422 Intellectual History of Classical Greece
- CLAS 424 The Epic Tradition
- CLAS 427 Greek and Roman Tragedy in English
- CLAS 428 Greek and Roman Comedy in English
- CLAS 430 Greek and Roman Mythology
- CLAS 432 Classical Mythology in Film
- CLAS 435 The Ancient Novel
- CLAS 445/ JSIS B 445 Greek and Roman Religion
Comparative History of Ideas
- CHID 207 / HIST 207 Introduction to Intellectual History (Western)
- CHID 270 Special Topics (when subject matter is European)
- CHID 309 / HIST 309 Marx and the Marxian Tradition in Western Thought: The Foundations of Modern Cultural Criticism
- CHID 442 Roma Externa
- CHID 470 CHID Study Abroad (must be approved by JSIS adviser)
- CHID 471 Europe Study Abroad (must be approved by JSIS adviser)
- CHID 480 Special Topics: Advanced Study of the History of Ideas (when subject matter is European)
- CHID 484 / HSTEU 484 Colonial Encounters
- CHID 485/ HSTCMP 485: Comparative Colonialism
- CHID 498 Special Colloquia (when subject matter is European)
Comparative Literature
- C LIT 210 Literature and Science (when subject matter is European)
- C LIT 230 / SCAND 230 Introduction to Folklore Studies
- C LIT 318 Literature and the Holocaust
- C LIT 320 Studies in European Literature
- C LIT 330 The European Fairy Tale
- C LIT 331 / SCAND 331 Folk Narrative
- C LIT 334 / SCAND 334 Immigrant and Ethnic Folklore
- C LIT 396 Special Studies in Comparative Literature (when subject matter is European)
- C LIT 410 Studies in Literary History (when subject matter is European)
- C LIT 421 Studies in Connections: Literature and Other Disciplines (when subject matter is European)
- C LIT 430 / SCAND 430 Readings in Folklore
- C LIT 431 / SCAND 431 The Northern European Ballad
- C LIT 474 / SCAND 470 Scandinavian Auteurs
- C LIT 496 Special Studies in Comparative Literature (when subject matter is European)
- DRAMA 371 Theatre History I (Ancient Greece and Rome, through the High Middle Ages, to Spain in the Golden Age)
- DRAMA 372 Theatre History II (Western European theatre)
- DRAMA 373 Theatre History III (Western European theatre 19th century-present)
- DRAMA 416 History of Style – Dress, Architecture and Functional Decor
- ECON 406 Undergraduate Seminar in Economics (when subject matter is European)
- ECON 409 / POL S 409 Undergraduate Seminar in Political Economy (when subject matter is European)
- ECON 475 Economics of the European Union EU
- ECON 490 Comparative Economic Systems
- ECON 495 Economies in Transition (Former Socialist Economies)
- ENGL 205 / CHID 205 Method, Imagination and Inquiry
- ENGL 211 Literature, 1500-1800
- ENGL 212 Literature of Enlightenment and Revolution
- ENGL 213 Modern and Postmodern Literature
- ENGL 225 Shakespeare
- ENGL 311 Modern Jewish Literature in Translation
- ENGL 313 Modern European Literature in Translation
- ENGL 315 Literary Modernism
- ENGL 323 Shakespeare to 1603
- ENGL 324 Shakespeare after 1603
- ENGL 325 English Literature: The Late Renaissance
- ENGL 326 Milton
- ENGL 327 English Literature: Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century
- ENGL 328 English Literature: Later Eighteenth Century
- ENGL 329 Rise of the English Novel
- ENGL 330 English Literature: The Romantic Age
- ENGL 331 Romantic Poetry I
- ENGL 332 Romantic Poetry II
- ENGL 333 English Novel: Early and Middle Nineteenth Century
- ENGL 334 English Novel: Later 19th Century
- ENGL 335 English Literature: The Age of Victoria
- ENGL 336 English Literature: Early Twentieth Century
- ENGL 337 The Modern Novel
- ENGL 338 Modern Poetry
- ENGL 339 English Literature: Contemporary England
- ENGL 340 Anglo-Irish Literature
- ENGL 342 Contemporary Novel
- ENGL 343 Studies in Poetry
- ENGL 430 British Writers: Studies in Major Authors
- ENGL 431 Topics in British Literature
- FRENCH 210 / HSTEU 210 Paris
- FRENCH 211 Renaissance, Enlightenment, Revolution: Major Works in English
- FRENCH 212 French Masterworks: Modern in English
- FRENCH 214 French Fairy Tale Tradition in English
- FRENCH 224 Culture and Media Forms
- FRENCH 225 Dealing with Death in Francophone Literature and Media
- FRENCH 226 The Idea of Europe in French Film
- FRENCH 229 A Comparative Look at Immigrant Cultural Production in English
- FRENCH 240 Introduction to French and Italian Studies
- FRENCH 250 History of French Cinema in English
- FRENCH 305 Texts and Traditions I
- FRENCH 306 Texts and Traditions II
- FRENCH 307 Survey of Francophone Literatures and Cultures
- FRENCH 376 Culture, Politics, and Society in France from the Religious Wars to Revolutions
- FRENCH 378 The Making of Contemporary France
- FRENCH 390 Supervised Study (depends on subject matter)
- FRENCH 411 Topics in the Middle Ages
- FRENCH 412 Topics in Sixteenth Century French Literature
- FRENCH 413 Topics in Seventeenth Century Literature
- FRENCH 414 French Literature of the Eighteenth Century: Enlightenment
- FRENCH 415 French Literature of the 18th Century: Post Enlightenment
- FRENCH 416 French Literature of the Nineteenth Century: Romanticism
- FRENCH 418 French Literature of the Early Twentieth Century
- FRENCH 419 French Literature Since World War II
- FRENCH 420 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literature
- FRENCH 421 Psychoanalysis and Literature
- FRENCH 427 Fiction: Twentieth Century
- FRENCH 431 Critical Approaches to French Poetry (depends on subject matter)
- FRENCH 432 Critical Approaches to French Fiction (depends on subject matter)
- FRENCH 435 Topics Non-Fiction
- FRENCH 445 Women Writers
- FRENCH 450 Themes in French Literature and Culture
- FRENCH 451 History and Literature of the French Religious Wars
- FRENCH 455 One Author in French Literature/Culture
- FRENCH 457 One Decade in French Literature and Culture
- FRENCH 458 French Art and Literature: Period Studies
- FRENCH 461 Seventeenth-Century Drama
- FRENCH 463 Nineteenth-Century Drama
- FRENCH 465 20th century French Theatre
- FRENCH 470 Cinema (The Films of France)
- FRENCH 499 Special Topics (depends on subject matter)
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
- GWSS/ JSIS B 333 Gender and Globalization
- GWSS 429 / SCAND 427 Scandinavian Women Writers in English Translation
- GWSS 462 / SCAND 462 Isak Dinesen and Karen Blixen
- GEOG 303 Contemporary European Migration
- GERMAN 243 Fairy Tale and Fantasy
- GERMAN 293 Introduction to Contemporary German Culture
- GERMAN 295 The Contributions of German Jews to German Culture
- GERMAN 304 Contemporary German Play
- GERMAN 311 Introduction to German Literary Studies
- GERMAN 312 Historical Approaches to German Literature
- GERMAN 313 Major Figures of German Literature
- GERMAN 322 Intro to German Cultural Studies
- GERMAN 323 Institutions and Their Ideas
- GERMAN 340 Friedrich Nietzsche in English
- GERMAN 341 Franz Kafka in English
- GERMAN 342 Thomas Mann in English
- GERMAN 345 Bertolt Brecht in English
- GERMAN 346 Contemporary German Novel in English
- GERMAN 349 Goethe in English
- GERMAN 350 The German Drama in English
- GERMAN 351 Vienna 1900 in English
- GERMAN 352 Literature and Society in Weimar and National Socialist Germany in English
- GERMAN 353 Postwar Germany
- GERMAN 355 German Literature and Film in English
- GERMAN 360 Women in German Literature in English
- GERMAN 370 History of German Cinema
- GERMAN 371 Special Topics: German Cinema
- GERMAN 390 Germanic Studies in English
- GERMAN 421 Studies in Eighteenth-Century and Culture
- GERMAN 422 Studies in Nineteenth Century Literature and Culture
- GERMAN 423 Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature and Culture
- GERMAN 452 History of the German Language
- GERMAN 490 Contemporary German Literature
- GERMAN 493 Special Topics in German Culture
- GERMAN 495 Proseminar in German Literature
- GERMAN 496 History of Germanic Philology
- GERMAN 497 Studies in German Literature
- GERMAN 498 Studies in the German Language
- GERMAN 499 Studies in German Culture
Ancient and Medieval History
- HSTAM 315 The Byzantine Empire
- HSTAM 331 Early Middle Ages
- HSTAM 332 Central Middle Ages
- HSTAM 333 Late Middle Ages
- HSTAM 340 Medieval Women
- HSTAM 360 Medieval Christianity
- HSTAM 365 Medieval England, 1042-1485
- HSTAM 367 Medieval Jewish History
- HSTAM 370 / SCAND 370 The Vikings
- HSTAM 401 Early Greece
- HSTAM 402 Classical Greece
- HSTAM 403 Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age
- HSTAM 443 / JSIS A 443 Medieval Russia: 850 – 1700
History of Modern Europe
- HSTEU 210 Paris
- HSTEU 211 France: A Portrait
- HSTEU 220 / JSIS A 220 Introduction to East European Studies
- HSTEU 250 / ART H 250 / ITAL 250 Rome
- HSTEU 251 Events That Shook Modern Europe: From the French Revolution to the EU
- HSTEU 252 The Bloodlands: East Central Europe under Hitler and Stalin
- HSTEU 273 Women and Gender in Modern Europe
- HSTEU 274 European History and Film from the 1890’s to the Present
- HSTEU 275 Life in England
- HSTEU 276 Postwar: European History and Film after 1945
- HSTEU 290 Topics in European History
- HSTEU 301 Early Modern European History: 1450-1648
- HSTEU 302 17th – 18th Century Europe: Enlightenment and Revolution
- HSTEU 303 Contemporary European History Since 1815
- HSTEU 304 Cultural History of Renaissance Europe
- HSTEU 305 European Witch Trials
- HSTEU 323 France Since 1814
- HSTEU 334 Germany 1871-1989
- HSTEU 361 Spain and Its Golden Age
- HSTEU 364 / JSIS A 364 Modern Greece: 1821 to the Present
- HSTEU 368 / JSIS A 368 Modern European Jewish History
- HSTEU 370 J.R.R. Tolkien: A Mythology for England
- HSTEU 376 Modern Irish History
- HSTEU 378 The Making of Contemporary France
- HSTEU 380 / SCAND 380 History of Scandinavia to 1720
- HSTEU 381 / SCAND 381 History of Scandinavia Since 1720
- HSTEU 401 The Italian Renaissance
- HSTEU 402 The Reformation
- HSTEU 405 European Intellectual History: 18th Century
- HSTEU 406 European Intellectual History: 19th Century
- HSTEU 407 European Intellectual History: 20th Century
- HSTEU 409 The Catholic Church in Europe, 1914-present
- HSTEU 411 Europe: 1814-1870
- HSTEU 412 Europe in the Age of the Masses: 1870-1914
- HSTEU 413 Europe: 1914-1945
- HSTEU 414 Europe Since 1945
- HSTEU 415 The Second World War
- HSTEU 422 The French Revolution and Napoleon: 1789-1815
- HSTEU 432 Germany: 1914-1945
- HSTEU 435 World War I
- HSTEU 444 / JSIS A 444 Imperial Russia: 1700-1900
- HSTEU 445 / JSIS A 445 The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union
- HSTEU 451 East-Central Europe Since 1342
- HSTEU 452 Eastern Europe Since 1918
- HSTEU 453 History of the Balkans, 1400 to the Present
- HSTEU 454 / SCAND 454 Baltic History
- HSTEU 464 / JSIS A 468 The Jews in Spanish History
- HSTEU 465 / JSIS A 465 The Jews of Eastern Europe
- HSTEU 470 The Jacobethan Age: England 1580-1630
- HSTEU 471 England in the Sixteenth Century
- HSTEU 472 England in the 17th Century
- HSTEU 474 Britain at its Imperial Peak
- HSTEU 475 Britain in the 20th Century
- HSTEU 482 Fascism in Europe
- HSTEU 490 Topics in European History
- ITAL 240 / FRENCH 240 Introduction to French and Italian Studies
- ITAL 250 / ART H 250 / HSTEU 250 Rome
- ITAL 260 / ART H 260 / JSIS A 260 Fashion, Nation, and Culture
- ITAL 261 Italian Cities
- ITAL 262 Dante and the Middle Ages
- ITAL 305 Texts and Traditions I
- ITAL 306 Texts and Traditions II
- ITAL 318 Italian Literature in English
- ITAL 351 Contemporary Italian Culture
- ITAL 352 Italian Cultural History
- ITAL 353 Language and Cultural Identity
- ITAL 354 Travels, Migrations, and Exile
- ITAL 355 Culture, Politics, and Media in Italy
- ITAL 356 Italian Society in Film and Literature
- ITAL 357 Race in Italy: Inventing Others in the Early Modern World
- ITAL 401 Medieval Italian Readings
- ITAL 402 Early Modern Italian Readings
- ITAL 403 Early Modern Italian Readings II
- ITAL 404 Modern Italian Readings I
- ITAL 405 / ITAL 505 Modern Italian Readings II
- ITAL 431 Italian Theater
- ITAL 465 Contemporary Italian Narrative
- ITAL 466 Italian Society in Cinema & Literature (in Italian)
- ITAL 470 Dante
- ITAL 475 / ART H 495 Italian Fascism: Architecture and Power
- ITAL 480 Dante’s Comedy in English
- ITAL 481 Dante’s Comedy in English
- ITAL 482 The Decameron in English
- ITAL 490 Proseminar in Italian Literature
- ITAL 499 Special Topics
Jackson School of International Studies
- JSIS 194/394 Study Abroad: European Studies
- JSIS 488 Special Topics Europe EU
- JSIS 489 Special Topics REECAS (when subject matter is European)
- JSIS A 220 / HSTEU 220 Introduction to East European Studies
- JSIS A 251 / HSTEU 251 Events That Shook Modern Europe: From the French Revolution to the EU
- JSIS A 260 / ART H 260 / ITAL 260 Fashion, Nature and Culture
- JSIS A 302 The Politics and Cultures of Europe
- JSIS A 304 Contemporary European Migration
- JSIS A 320 / HIST 320 Greek History: 7000 BC to Present
- JSIS A 344 / SCAND 344 The Baltic States and Scandinavia
- JSIS A 345 / SCAND 345 Baltic Cultures
- JSIS A 348 / POL S 348 The EU as a Global Actor EU
- JSIS A 349 Migration and Multiculturalism in the Mediterranean
- JSIS A 350 United States – Europe Relations
- JSIS A 351 / SCAND 351 Scandinavia, the EU and Global Climate Change EU
- JSIS A 360 / SPAN 360 Contemporary Spain
- JSIS A 364 / HSTEU 364 Modern Greece: 1821 to Present
- JSIS A 416 North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- JSIS A 418 Eastern European Political Economy
- JSIS A 420 Post-Soviet Security
- JSIS A 427 / ANTH 425 Anthropology of the Post-Soviet States
- JSIS A 429/ SCAND 479 Eco-Capitalism
- JSIS A 430 The Soviet Empire: Creation, Consolidation, and Collapse
- JSIS A 433 / ARCH 458 / ART H 494 Paris: Architecture and Urbanism
- JSIS A 442 / SCAND 445 War and Occupation in Northern Europe: History, Fiction, and Memoir
- JSIS A 443 / HSTAM 443 Medieval Russia: 850-1700
- JSIS A 444 / HSTEU 444 Imperial Russia: 1700-1900
- JSIS A 445 / HSTEU 445 The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union
- JSIS A 455 / SCAND 455 Baltic Politics and Society Today
- JSIS A 465 International Humanitarian Law
- JSIS A 468 Russia and the International System
- JSIS A 480 / SCAND 480 Kierkegaard and Decadence in European Literature
- JSIS A 481 / SCAND 481 August Strindberg and European Cultural History
- JSIS A 482 / SCAND 482 Knut Hamsun and Early European Modernism
- JSIS A 490 / POL S 445 Politics and Society in Eastern Europe
- JSIS A 494 Senior Seminar (Limited to majors)
- JSIS A 495 European Studies Senior Thesis (Limited to majors)
- JSIS B 301 / SOC 306 War
- JSIS B 311 Myth of War
- JSIS B 312 Money, Love and Marriage in Europe and America
- JSIS B 324 Immigration
- JSIS B 330 International Political Economy
- JSIS B/ GWSS 333 Gender and Globalization: Theory and Process
- JSIS B 340 The Cold War: Realities, Myths, Legacies
- JSIS B/ GEOG 344 Migration in the Global Economy
- JSIS B/ SCAND/ ENVIR 350 Environmental Norms in International Politics
- JSIS B 351 The Global Environment
- JSIS B 355 Cybersecurity and International Studies
- JSIS B 357 The Geopolitics of Energy
- JSIS B/ LSJ 366 Comparative Law and Legal Cultures
- JSIS B/ GEOG 375 Geopolitics
- JSIS B 386 Law/ Pol International Trade
- JSIS B 388 Political Economy of Industrialized Nations
- JSIS B 393 LGBTI Rights in International Affairs
- JSIS B 406/ POL S 432 Political Islam and Islamic Fundamentalism
- JSIS B 407 Political Islam and Contemporary Islamist Movements
- JSIS B 419 Comparative Media Systems
- JSIS B 420 Failed States
- JSIS B 422 International Trade and Security
- JSIS B 424 The Politics of International Nuclear Security: Weapons, Energy and Environment
- JSIS B/ POL S 426 World Politics
- JSIS B 427 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Development, Deployment, and Detection
- JSIS B 429 Nuclear Nonproliferation and International Safeguards
- JSIS B 430 Late Industrialization and Social Change
- JSIS B 431 International Negotiation Simulation
- JSIS B/ POL S 436 Ethnic Politics and Nationalism in Multi-Ethnic Societies
- JSIS B 437 Global Diasporas
- JSIS B 440 / HSTCMP 440 The Communist Experience Around the World
- JSIS B 441 Forced Migrations
- JSIS B 446 History Memory Justice
- JSIS B 450 Deeply Divided Societies
- JSIS B 451 Political Parties in Democratic Systems
- JSIS B 455 International Environmental Policy
- JSIS B/ HSTCMP 467 Nations/States in the Modern World
- JSIS B 469 Law and Rights in Authoritarian Regimes
- JSIS B 472 Electoral Systems
- JSIS B 476 Comparative International Political Economy
- JSIS B 480 Fundamentals of Global Cybersecurity
- JSIS D 217 / FRENCH 211 Renaissance, Enlightenment, Revolution: Major Works in English
- JSIS D 317 / SCAND 315 Scandinavian Crime Fiction
- JSIS D 323 / GEOG 323 Globalization and You
- JSIS D 429 International Population
- JSIS D 435 Population and Modernization
Law, Societies, and Justice
- LSJ 428 / POL S 415 Women’s Rights in an Integrated Europe
- LSJ 490 D Special Topics in Comparative Legal Institutions
- MUSIC 264 / RELIG 264 Sacred Music in the European Tradition
- PHIL 320 Ancient Philosophy
- PHIL 322 Modern Philosophy
- PHIL 325 19th Century Philosophy
- PHIL 330 History of Ancient Political Philosophy
- PHIL 332 History of Modern Political Philosophy
- PHIL 335 Plato’s Republic
- PHIL 340 History of Ancient Ethics
- PHIL 342 History of Modern Ethics
- PHIL 418 / JEW ST 428 Jewish Philosophy
- PHIL 422 Studies in Continental Rationalism
- PHIL 426 Twentieth-Century Philosophy
- PHIL 430 Hellenistic Philosophy
- PHIL 431 Philosophy of Plato
- PHIL 433 Philosophy of Aristotle
- PHIL 436 British Empiricism
- PHIL 437 Philosophy of Hume
- PHIL 438 Philosophy of Kant
Political Science
- POL S 308 The Western Tradition of Political Thought, Ancient and Medieval
- POL S 309 The Western Tradition of Political Thought, Pre Modern
- POL S 310 The Western Tradition of Political Thought, Modern
- POL S 324 Europe in World Politics EU
- POL S 326 / SCAND 326 Scandinavia in World Affairs EU
- POL S 346 Governments of Western Europe EU
- POL S 348 / JSIS A 348 The EU as a Global Actor EU
- POL S 403 Advanced Topics in International Relations (when subject matter is European)
- POL S 409 / ECON 409 Undergraduate Seminar in Political Economy (when subject matter is European)
- POL S 415 / LSJ 428 D Women’s Rights in an Integrated Europe EU
- POL S 420 Soviet and Russian Foreign Policy
- POL S 421 Relations Among Communist and Post-Communist States
- POLS 437 / SCAND 437 Politics in Scandinavia EU
- POLS 438 Politics in France
- POL S 440 European Fascism
- POL S 441 Government and Politics of Russia
- POL S 445 / JSIS D 445 Politics and Society in Eastern Europe EU
- POL S 447 Advanced Seminar in Comparative Politics
- POL S 448 Politics of the European Union EU
- SPAN 207 Culture and Civilization in Spain
- SPAN 294 Special Topics in Spanish Literary/Cultural Studies
- SPAN 304 Survey of Spanish Literature: 1140-1498
- SPAN 305 Survey of Spanish Literature 1498-1681
- SPAN 306 Survey of Spanish Literature: 1681 to the Present
- SPAN 318 Cervantes’ Don Quixote in English
- SPAN 328 Spanish Cultural Studies
- SPAN 335 Spanish and Latin American Film
- SPAN 339 Women Writers
- SPAN 350 Drama
- SPAN 351 Poetry
- SPAN 352 Fiction
- SPAN 354 The Power of Spanish in Contemporary Language and Politics
- SPAN 360 / JSIS A 360 Contemporary Spain
- SPAN 394 Special Topics in Spanish Literature
- SPAN 396 Special Topics in Spanish Cultural Studies
- SPAN 414 Spanish Literature: Eighteenth Century
- SPAN 415 Spanish Literature: 19th Century
- SPAN 416 Spanish Literature: 1900 to the Present
- SPAN 420 Spanish Poetry: Origins through the Fifteenth Century
- SPAN 423 Spanish Poetry: The Golden Age, Sixteenth through Seventeenth Centuries
- SPAN 433 Golden Age Prose, SPAN 436 Spanish Novel: 19th Century
- SPAN 438 Spanish Novel: 1900 to the Present
- SPAN 439 Women Writers
- SPAN 440 Spanish Drama: 1150-1600
- SPAN 441 Spanish Drama: 1600- 1635
- SPAN 445 The Modern Theatre in Spain, 1700-1900
- SPAN 446 The Modern Spanish Theatre, 1900-Present
- SPAN 449 Spanish Drama and Play Production
- SPAN 453 Cervantes and His Times
- SPAN 458 Sexuality and Gender in Pre-Modern Spanish Culture
- SPAN 460 Sephardic Culture before 1492
- SPAN 462 Topics in Spanish Cultural Studies
- SPAN 467 Spanish Women
- SPAN 472 Colonia Prose
- SPAN 480 Spanish Medieval Literature
- SPAN 481 Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Spanish Literature
- SPAN 482 Eighteenth through Twentieth-Century Spanish Literature
Scandinavian Studies
- DANISH 310 Topics in Danish Short Prose
- DANISH 311 Topics in Danish Literature and Culture
- DANISH 312 Topics in the Danish Novel
- FINN 310 Topics in Finnish Literature and Culture
- LATV 310 Topics in Latvian Literature and Culture
- LITH 310 Topics in Lithuanian Literature and Culture
- NORW 310 Norwegian Short Story
- NORW 311 Drama After Ibsen
- NORW 312 Topics in Norwegian Literature and Culture
- NORW 321 The Plays of Henrik Ibsen
- SCAND 100 Introduction to Scandinavian Culture
- SCAND 150 Norwegian Literary and Cultural History
- SCAND 151 Finnish Literary and Cultural History
- SCAND 152 Latvian Literary and Cultural History
- SCAND 153 Introduction to Lithuanian Literary and Cultural History
- SCAND 154 Estonian Literary and Cultural History
- SCAND 155 Danish Literary and Cultural History
- SCAND 156 Introduction to Swedish Literary and Cultural History
- SCAND 200 Scandinavia Today
- SCAND 230 / C LIT 230 Introduction to Folklore Studies
- SCAND 232 Hans Christian Andersen and the Fairy Tale Tradition
- SCAND 251 Holberg and His Comedies in English
- SCAND 270 Sagas of the Vikings
- SCAND 271 Film Analysis: Northern Perspectives
- SCAND 275 / GERMAN 275 Crime Scenes: Investigating the Cinema and Its Cultures
- SCAND 280 Ibsen and His Major Plays
- SCAND 312 Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature
- SCAND 315 Scandinavian Crime Fiction
- SCAND 316 Child and School in Scandinavia
- SCAND 326 / POL S 326 Scandinavia in World Affairs EU
- SCAND 327 Women in Scandinavian Society
- SCAND 330 Scandinavian Mythology
- SCAND 331 Folk Narrative
- SCAND 334 / C LIT 334 Immigrant and Ethnic Folklore
- SCAND 335 Scandinavian Children’s Literature
- SCAND 340 Kalevala and the Epic Tradition
- SCAND 341 Sami Culture and History
- SCAND 344 / JSIS A 344 Baltic States and Scandinavia
- SCAND 345 / JSIS A 345 Baltic Cultures
- SCAND 350 / JSIS B 350 / ENVIR 360 Environmental Norms in International Politics
- SCAND 351 / JSIS A 351 Scandinavia, the EU and Global Climate Change EU
- SCAND 352 Innovation in Scandinavia
- SCAND 360 / C LIT 315 Scandinavian Cinema
- SCAND 361 Danish Cinema
- SCAND 365 Finnish Popular Culture
- SCAND 367 Myth and Reality: Sexuality in Scandinavia
- SCAND 370 / HSTAM 370 The Vikings
- SCAND 375 Vikings in Popular Culture
- SCAND 380 / HSTEU 380 History of Scandinavia to 1720
- SCAND 381 / HSTEU 381 History of Scandinavia Since 1720
- SCAND 402 International Political Economy and Scandinavia
- SCAND 427 / WOMEN 429 Scandinavian Women Writers in English Translation
- SCAND 430 Readings in Folklore
- SCAND 431 The Northern European Ballad
- SCAND 437 / POL S 437 Politics in Scandinavia
- SCAND 445 / JSIS A 442 War and Occupation in Northern Europe: History, Fiction, and Memoir
- SCAND 450 Scandinavian Literary History
- SCAND 454 / HSTEU 454 Baltic History
- SCAND 455 / JSIS A 455 Baltic Politics and Society Today
- SCAND 460 History of the Scandinavian Languages
- SCAND 462 / GWSS 462 Isak Dinesen and Karen Blixen
- SCAND 470 Scandinavian Auteurs, SCAN 479/ JSIS A 429 Eco-Capitalism
- SCAND 480 / JSIS A 480 Kierkegaard and Decadence in European Literature
- SCAND 481 / JSIS A 481 August Strindberg and European Cultural History
- SCAND 482 / JSIS A 482 Knut Hamsun and Early European Modernism
- SCAND 490 Special Topics
- SWED 300 Swedish Women Writers
- SWED 301 Topics in Swedish Literature and Culture
- SWED 302 The Swedish Novel
- SWED 352 Strindberg and His Works
Slavic Languages & Literatures
- BCS 420 Literature of the Former Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States
- CZECH 420 Modern Czech Literature in English
- POLSH 320 Introduction to Contemporary Polish Culture
- POLSH 420 Polish Literature in English
- ROMN 420 Romanian Literature, Art, and Film: One Century of Cultural Transformations
- RUSS 120 Topics in Russian Literary and Cultural History
- RUSS 210 From Paganism to Christianity: Medieval Russian Mythology, Literature, and Culture
- RUSS 220 Topics in Russian Literary and Cultural History
- RUSS 223 Russian Cinema
- RUSS 230 Masterpieces of Russian Literature
- RUSS 240 Vladimir Nabokov
- RUSS 260 Underworlds
- RUSS 320 Topics in Russian Literary and Cultural History
- RUSS 321 Eighteenth Century Russian Literature and Culture
- RUSS 322 The Golden Age: Nineteenth Century Russian Literature and Culture
- RUSS 323 Revolution: Twentieth Century Russian Literature and Culture
- RUSS 324 Russian Folk Literature in English
- RUSS 420 Topics in Russian Literary and Cultural History
- RUSS 421 Post Soviet Literary and Cultural Scene
- RUSS 422 Russian Literature in Emigration and Exile
- RUSS 423 Russian Film
- RUSS 424 Topics in Ethnicity and Cultural Identity
- RUSS 425 Russian Drama
- RUSS 426 Russian Art & Architecture
- RUSS 427 Russian Jewish Experience
- RUSS 430 Major Authors: Gogol
- RUSS 483 Russian Literature in Russia
- RUSS 486 Culture in Russia
- RUSS 490 Studies in Russian Literature
- SLAVIC 200 Introduction to Slavic Literature
- SLAVIC 223 East European Cinema
- SLAVIC 320 The Other Europe: Post-World War II East European Fiction
- SLAVIC 323 Masterpieces of East European Cinema
- SLAVIC 351 Introduction to the History of Slavic Languages
- SLAVIC 370 What is in a Language Name? The Case of Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, and Serbian
- SLAVIC 423 East European Film
- SLAVIC 425 Ways of Meaning: Universal and Culture Specific Aspects of Language
- SLAVIC 426 Ways of Feeling: Expressions of Emotions Across Languages and Cultures
- SLAVIC 470 Special Topics in Slavic Linguistics, SLAVIC 481 East European Language in Eastern Europe
- SLAVIC 482 Research Project in Eastern Europe
- SLAVIC 483 East European Literature in Eastern Europe
- SLAVIC 486 East European Culture in Eastern Europe
- SLAVIC 490 Studies in Slavic Literature
- UKR 420 Literature, Language and Culture of Ukraine
- SOC 401 Special Topics (when subject matter is European)
- SOC 469 Balkan Societies
European Studies Minor Course List
Modern European Language other than English.
*Proficiency through 1st year college level or higher. Minimum applicable language level listed. Proficiency tests may substitute. *
Euro Minor Electives: See “Additional Electives” List under European Studies Major Course List