Hellenic Studies

Student Funding and Awards


Theodore Kaltsounis Hellenic Studies Scholarship: The Kaltsounis Scholarship supports undergraduate and/or graduate student activities including study abroad and travel (including travel to Greece), registration fees at meetings or conferences, books, tuition, and research pertaining to Hellenic Studies. It is named for Professor Emeritus Theodore Kaltsounis who founded the Hellenic Studies Program in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington. The applicant does not need to be U.S. citizen but must be enrolled as a UW student. Awards range in value up to $3,000.

Required application materials include the below:

  • Resume
  • Brief cover letter (no more than 500 words) detailing your interest in Hellenic Studies, what you would use this scholarship for, and how it would contribute to your education
  • Unofficial transcript

Deadline: May 1, 2025



Irene Kravas Scholarship in Hellenic Studies: The Kravas Scholarship provides broad-based direct financial assistance to undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who are interested in Hellenic culture, both ancient and modern. It is named for Irene Konstantopoulos Kravas (1908-2009), who was born in Kastania, a village located in the heart of Greece. Although the Konstantopoulos family faced many economic challenges during her early years, she remembered a childhood filled with the love of family and passion for their Hellenic heritage.  The applicant does not need to be U.S. citizen but must be enrolled as a UW student. Awards range in value up to $4,000.

Deadline: May 1, 2025



Nicholas and Aggeliki Soulandros Endowed Scholarship: The Soulandros Scholarship is open to undergraduate and/or graduate students in the Hellenic Studies Program. It may cover all or part of tuition and may also provide support for books, fees, and other educational expenses. Scholarships are for one academic year; recipients who make acceptable progress towards a degree may apply for successive years. The applicant does not need to be U.S. citizen but must be enrolled as a UW student. Graduate students (only) who are awarded the full amount and elect to apply it evenly to two consecutive quarters are eligible for a waiver of the non-resident portion of tuition during those quarters. Awards are subject to availability of funds, and range in value up to $3,000.

Deadline: May 1, 2025



Eleftherios and Mary Rouvelas Endowed Writing Prize in Hellenic Studies: The Center for European Studies, in partnership with the Hellenic Studies Program at the University of Washington, offers an annual Eleftherios and Mary Rouvelas Endowed Writing Prize in Hellenic Studies. The purpose of the competition, which began in 2010, is to fund outstanding writing and research about Greece and Hellenic Studies. The applicant does not need to be U.S. citizen but must be enrolled as a UW student. The competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students. The winner is awarded up to $2,000. 

Papers on any topic linked to Hellenic Studies are acceptable, including the sociology, economics, politics, history, literature, art, and culture of Greece (ancient or modern).

The committee will aim to have a response two weeks after the final submission date. For questions, please contact Hellenic Studies Program Chair Alex Hollman at hollmann@uw.edu.

Deadline:  May 1, 2025

To apply, please submit a cover letter and your paper to Hellenic Studies Program Chair Alex Hollmann at hollmann@uw.edu.