Saadia Pekkanen

New book by Prof. Saadia Pekkanen analyzes Western scholarship & Asia’s power in global governance

October 18, 2016

Asian Designs: Governance in the Contemporary World Order

Pekkanen on China’s launch of a “game changer” new satellite | Forbes

October 17, 2016

Launch of China's Quantum Science Satellite - Mozi

Prof. Saadia Pekkanen on Asia’s race for Google’s $20 Million “Moon Shot” | Forbes Magazine

September 1, 2016

Pekkanen quoted on the future of Japan’s space agency | Nature International Journal of Science

August 1, 2016

Japan set to dominate in Asia for start-up businesses in outerspace

May 2, 2016

Hitomi Satellite

Why Japan is the space power to watch

December 28, 2015

Jackson School News

Researching Kissinger

October 10, 2015

Niall Ferguson (center) meets Jackson School director, professors and students