Two days to solve an international crisis
September 13, 2017
Read about how a partnership between the U.S. Army War College and our M.A. in Applied International Studies helps students learn global negotiation skills.
September 13, 2017
Read about how a partnership between the U.S. Army War College and our M.A. in Applied International Studies helps students learn global negotiation skills.
April 6, 2017
What happens when NATO allies come into conflict? Can diplomacy subdue the nationalist passions that have torn a country apart? Is the European Union (EU) capable of solving divisive territorial issues?
December 22, 2014
Professor Robert Pekkanen is quoted in this article about Prime Minister Abe’s re-election and Japan’s economy. “It could send a powerful signal about a commitment to economic reform,” he
April 24, 2013
As part of a three-year grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, four projects at the University of Washington have been chosen to receive up to $40,000 apiece to strengthen