In Memoriam: Samuel Arnone-Roller (2002-2023)
August 23, 2023
It is with profound sadness that we share the news that one of our students, Samuel Arnone-Roller, who graduated with a master’s degree in Middle East Studies in June 2023,
August 23, 2023
It is with profound sadness that we share the news that one of our students, Samuel Arnone-Roller, who graduated with a master’s degree in Middle East Studies in June 2023,
July 18, 2023
Jackson School Professor Sara Curran, who also serves as the director of the Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology, has been recognized for scientific achievement and willingness to work
June 15, 2023
Honoring achievements “You are the latest generation of scholars to emerge from your time here with the skills necessary to become diplomats, activists, business, political, and military leaders, academics, artists,
June 15, 2023
In his keynote address to the students as the Jackson School Distinguished Alum Award 2023 recipient, Steve B. Davis, who graduated in 1984 with a master’s degree in East Asian
May 22, 2023
Saadia Pekkanen, Job and Gertrud Tamaki Endowed Professor and an outer space expert, co-edited a special issue of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy Volume 18 Issue 2-3: Special Issue: Space Diplomacy:
April 13, 2023
We mourn the passing of Jere Bacharach, 84, professor emeritus of History and former director of the Jackson School and longtime contributor to the field of Middle East studies. He
March 8, 2023
Acting Assistant Professor Sarah Lohmann, a cybersecurity and energy expert, is quoted in “President of Finland visits Washington’s Capitol” published on March 7, 2023.
March 6, 2023
In his article titled, “Does American Fascism Exist?” Jackson School Associate Professor Daniel Bessner analyzes how, for nearly a century, Americans have been throwing the term around—without agreeing what that means.
February 28, 2023
In a Feb. 22 Newsweek article titled, “Russian Rocket Crashes Back Into Russia After 42 Years,” Jackson School Professor Saadia Pekkanen, an expert on international relations in outer space, is
January 17, 2023
Daniel Bessner, an associate professor of U.S. foreign policy and international studies in the Jackson School, analyzes the trajectory of historians in his guest essay “The Dangerous Decline of the