August 9, 2017
Posted by: odedo
Chair of UW China Studies Prof. David Bachman is quoted in “Beyond threatening North Korea tweets, President Trump needs a cohesive Asia strategy” on the escalation between the U.S. and North Korea.
July 18, 2017
Posted by: odedo
In this interview, China and political economy expert Prof. David Bachman discusses the economic approach adopted by President Donald Trump following the G-20 meeting in Europe.
June 26, 2017
Posted by: odedo
China expert Prof. David Bachman was quoted in an article published by Radio Free Asia titled “China Argues Over ‘Belt and Road’ Goals“. Bachman addressed China’s industrial overcapacity problem tied to
April 11, 2017
Posted by: odedo
Following President Trump’s accusations that Beijing is stealing U.S. jobs and manipulating Chinese currency, professor of international studies and China expert David Bachman gives an interview with KOMO radio on latest
January 24, 2017
Posted by: odedo
Professor David Bachman, an expert on international political economy, Asian politics, international relations and U.S. – China Relations, was interviewed by KING 5 News following President Trump’s decision to back
January 11, 2017
Posted by: odedo
China specialist, Prof. David Bachman, was interviewed by Radio Free Asia discussing energy security concerns in China and other Asian nations following the prolonged slump in world energy prices. In
December 14, 2016
Posted by: odedo
Over 300 students, faculty and community members packed into Room 210 at Kane Hall on November 28 to hear a panel of Jackson School professors talk about the implications of a Trump
November 23, 2016
Posted by: odedo
Beth Do, a student in the Master’s in Applied International Studies program at the Jackson School, writes about a recent public event on North Korea featuring The RAND Corporation. The event
November 23, 2016
Posted by: odedo
Jackson School faculty members Professors David Bachman, Reşat Kasaba, Kathie Friedman, Scott Radnitz and Sabine Lang discuss their areas of expertise in light of the new geopolitical reality following the election of Donald Trump in a recent article by UW
November 16, 2016
Posted by: odedo
During his campaign, President-Elect Donald Trump made trenchant remarks regarding U.S. allies, the NATO pact, relations with Russia and China and his views on U.S. immigration policies. Join Jackson School faculty