May 29, 2020
Posted by: Monique Thormann
David Bachman, a Jackson School professor and China expert, is quoted on recent negative impacts in U.S.-China relations in “Tensions grow in the South China Sea between the US and
May 4, 2020
Posted by: Monique Thormann
David Bachman, Henry M. Jackson Professor of International Studies, gives his take to Bill Radke, host of KUOW’s The Record, on China’s response to coronavirus, President Trump’s threat to punish
April 9, 2020
Posted by: Monique Thormann
David Bachman, a China specialist and Jackson School professor, is quoted in “Coronavirus pandemic pushes U.S. and China closer to cold war” discussing the impact of China’s response to the
March 6, 2020
Posted by: Monique Thormann
In an article “Response in China slowed outbreak of coronavirus — but experts caution against extreme measures in Seattle,” Jackson School Faculty David Bachman, a professor and expert on China,
February 27, 2020
Posted by: Monique Thormann
“We need to stay calm and to learn things from China and other countries who have experienced this before,” said Madeleine Dong, Chair of the China Studies Program at the
January 16, 2020
Posted by: Monique Thormann
Professor of International Studies David Bachman, also a China expert, examines the implications of the signing of an initial trade deal between the U.S. and China in “New U.S.-China trade deal
August 30, 2019
Posted by: Monique Thormann
In “Seattle looks on Hong Kong in awe, and starts to organize” David Bachman, a professor of China studies at the Jackson School, comments on Seattle’s recent solidarity movement for
April 16, 2019
Posted by: andomm
Lyle J. Goldstein, a United States Naval War College research professor recently presented a lecture on his recent book, “Meeting China Halfway.” He was joined by Jackson School faculty David
March 1, 2019
Posted by: andomm
Professors David Bachman, Donald Hellmann, Christopher Jones, and Clark Sorensen participated in a panel on China-U.S. strategic rivalry. The lecture series featured Dr. Shi Yinhong, professor of international relations at
November 28, 2018
Posted by: Monique Thormann
Professor of International Studies David Bachman and Professor Emeritus Donald Hellmann are quoted in “Understanding deteriorating relations between the United States and China” as part of a panel event held on