The Ellison Center is currently preparing the most up-to-date Fall 2016 course list. Please check back often as we update this site over the following weeks. Please consult the UW timeschedule and UW My Plan for current REECAS courses and use this page only as a guide.
Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies Courses – Fall 2016
April 19, 2016
Featured Courses
Comparative Literature
- C LIT 570 The Novel: Theory and Practice (3-5, max. 15) Crnkovic, Gordana
- ECON 200 Introduction to Microeconomics QSR, I&S (5) Knox, Melissa A.
- ECON 201 Introduction to Macroeconomics I&S, QSR (5) O'Dea, Dennis C.
- ECON 300 Intermediate Microeconomics I&S (5) G
- ECON 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics I&S (5) Ziran Ding
- ECON 472 International Macroeconomics I&S (5) Turnovsky, Michelle H. L.
- ECON 571 International Trade Theory (3) Wong, Kar-Yiu
- JSIS 123 Intro to Globalization I&S, DIV (5) Naslund, Skye J.
- GEOG 180 Introduction to Global Health: Disparities, Determinants, Policies, and Outcomes I&S, DIV (5) Faubion, Charles T.
- GERMAN 195 Popular Film and the Holocaust VLPA, DIV (5) Block, Richard
- HSTAM 370 The Vikings VLPA, I&S (5) Terje I. Leiren
- HSTEU 245 I&S (5) Campbell, Elena
- HSTEU 276 Postwar: European History and Film after 1945 VLPA, I&S, DIV (5) Bailkin, Jordanna
- HSTEU 380 History of Scandinavia to 1720 I&S (5) Terje I. Leiren
- HSTEU 445 The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union I&S (5)
- HSTEU 452 Eastern Europe Since 1918 I&S, W (5) James Felak
- HSTEU 548 Field Course in Soviet History (3-6, max. 6)
Jackson School of International Studies
- JSIS 222 Global Markets, Local Economies SSc (5)
- JSIS 578 Eurasian Nuclear Security Issues: Russian, Iran, South Asia and other topics (5)
- JSIS 478 Eurasian Nuclear Security Issues: Russia, Iran, South Asia, and Other Topics I&S (5)
- JSIS A 110 Introduction to Russian Culture and Civilization VLPA, I&S (5) Barbara Henry
- JSIS A 210 Introduction to Islamic Civilization VLPA, I&S (5) Hamza Mahmood
- JSIS A 268 Introduction to the Silk Road SSc (5) Talant Mawkanuli
- JSIS A 302 The Politics and Cultures of Europe SSc (5)
- JSIS A 430 The Soviet Empire: Creation, Consolidation, and Collapse W, SSc (5)
- JSIS A 445 The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union I&S (5)
- JSIS A 455 Baltic States Since 1991 SSc (5) Guntis I. Smidchens
- JSIS A 504 Survey of Eurasia (5)
- JSIS A 530 Soviet Empire I&S (5)
- JSIS A 593 Water and Security in the Middle East (5)
- JSIS B 324 Immigration DIV, SSc (5)
- JSIS B 344 Migration in the Global Economy I&S (5)
- JSIS B 429 Nuclear Nonproliferation and International Safeguards SSc (5)
- JSIS B 430 Late Industrialization and Social Change SSc (5)
- JSIS B 524 International Law and Arms Control (5)
- GERMAN 195 Popular Film and the Holocaust VLPA, DIV (5) Block, Richard
- JSIS 489 Special Topics REECA: Social Media & Social Change in Russia (5) Lysenko, Volodymyr
- JSIS 589 Special Topics REECA: Social Media & Social Change in Russia (2-5, max 15) Lysenko, Volodymyr
Law, Societies and Justice
- LSJ 320 The Politics and Law of International Human Rights I&S, DIV (5) Jason Mayerfeld
- LSJ 327 Women's Rights as Human Rights (5) Cichowski, Rachel A
- LSJ 367 Comparative Law and Courts I&S (5) Rachel A. Cichowski
Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
- NEAR E 229 Introduction to Islamic Civilization VLPA, I&S (5) Hazma Mahmood
- JSIS A 268 Introduction to the Silk Road SSc (5) Talant Mawkanuli
- PRSAN 101 Elementary Persian (5) Shahrzad Shams
- PRSAN 201 Intermediate Persian VLPA (5) Shahrzad Shams
- PRSAN 402 Classical Persian Literature: A Survey VLPA (5) Samad Alavi
- PRSAN 490 Supervised Study in Persian (1-6, max 18)
- PRSAN 499 Undergraduate Research in Persian (1-6, max. 18)
- PRSAN 511 Elementary Persian (5) Shahrzad Shams
- PRSAN 521 Intermediate Persian (5) Shahrzad Shams
- PRSAN 542 Classical Persian Literature: A Survey (5) Samad Alavi
- PRSAN 600 Independent Study or Research (1-25)
- KAZAKH 101 Elementary Kazakh (5) Talant Mawkanuli
- KAZAKH 490 Supervised Study (1-6, max 18)
- KAZAKH 499 Undergraduate Research (3-5, max 15)
- KAZAKH 511 Elementary Kazakh (5) Talant Mawkanuli
- KAZAKH 600 Independent Study or Research (Varies)
- UYGUR 401 Uygur through Culture (5) Talant Mawkanuli
- UYGUR 490 Supervised Study (1-6, max 18)
- UYGUR 499 Undergraduate Research (3-5, max 15)
- UYGUR 541 Uygur through Culture I (5) Talant Mawkanuli
- UZBEK 490 Supervised Study (1-6)
- UZBEK 499 Undergraduate Research (3-5, max 15)
- UZBEK 600 Independent Study or Research (Varies)
- TURKIC 490 Supervised Study (1-6, max 18)
- TURKIC 499 Undergraduate Research (3-5, max 15)
- TURKIC 600 Independent Study or Research (Varies)
- TKISH 101 Elementary Turkish (5) Melike Yucel
- TKISH 201 Intermediate Turkish VLPA (5) Melike Yucel
- TKISH 404 Islam in the Modern Turkish Republic VLPA (5) Selim Sirri Kuru
- TKISH 490 Supervised Study (1-6)
- TKISH 499 Undergraduate Research (1-6, max 18)
- TKISH 511 Elementary Turkish (5) Melike Yucel
- TKISH 521 Intermediate Turkish (5) Melike Yucel
- TKISH 600 Independent Study or Research (1-10)
Political Science
- POL S 203 Introduction to International Relations I&S (5) Geoffrey P. Wallace
- POL S 204 Introduction to Comparative Politics I&S (5) James D. Long IV
- POL S 270 Introduction to Political Economy I&S (5) Anthony J. Gill
- POL S 326 Scandinavia in World Affairs I&S (5)
- JSIS B 333 Gender and Globalization: Theory and Process I&S, DIV (5) Zhou, Shuxuan
- POL S 368 The Politics and Law of International Human Rights I&S, DIV (5) Jason Mayerfeld
- ESTO 101 Elementary Estonian (5)
- ESTO 201 Second-Year Estonian VLPA (5)
- ESTO 490 Supervised Reading (1-5, max 10)
- LATV 101 Elementary Latvian (5) Iveta Grinberga
- LATV 111 Basic Latvian (3) Iveta Grinberga
- LATV 201 Second-Year Latvian VLPA (5) Iveta Grinberga
- LATV 490 Supervised Reading VLPA (1-5, max 10)
- LITH 101 Elementary Lithuanian (5) Ausra Valanciauskiene
- LITH 111 Basic Lithuanian (3) Ausra Valanciauskiene
- LITH 201 Second-Year Lithuanian VLPA (5) Ausra Valanciauskiene
- LITH 490 Supervised Reading in Lithuanian (1-5, max 10)
- SCAND 152 Latvian Literary and Cultural History VLPA (5) Guntis I. Schmidchens
- POL S 326 Scandinavia in World Affairs I&S (5)
- SCAND 330 Scandinavian Mythology VLPA (5) Lars B. Jenner
- SCAND 360 Scandinavian Cinema VLPA (3/5) Andrew Nestingen
- SCAND 367 Sexuality in Scandinavia: Myth and Reality VLPA, I&S (5) Ia G. Dubois
- SCAND 370 The Vikings ((5) VLPA/I&S) LEIREN, TERJE I
- JSIS A 455 Baltic States Since 1991 SSc (5) Guntis I. Smidchens
- JSIS A 110 Introduction to Russian Culture and Civilization VLPA, I&S (5) Barbara Henry
- RUSS 340 Russia's Big Books VLPA (5) Galya Diment
- RUSS 401 Fourth-Year Russian VLPA (5) Zoya M. Polack
- RUSS 499 Directed Study or Research (1-5, max 15)
- RUSS 501 Russian Language for Graduate Students (2) Zoya M. Polack
- RUSS 543 Seminar in Contemporary Russian Prose (5)
- RUSS 600 Independent Study or Research (Varies)
- SLAVIC 101 Slavic Lands and Peoples I&S (5) Bojan Belic
- SLAVIC 223 East European Cinema VLPA (5) Gordana Crnkovic
- SLAVIC 490 Studies in Slavic Literatures: The Novel VLPA (3-5, max 15) Gordana Crnkovic
- SLAVIC 498 Senior Honors Thesis VLPA (3-9, max 9)
- SLVN 401 Introductory Slovene Language (3, 5) Michael E. Biggins
Business Administration
- B A 545 The Global Business Forum: Current Issues in Global Business (1, max 3) Christina T. Fong