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IPI senior fellows to teach winter quarter courses

November 6, 2018

International Policy Institute senior fellows Chris Seiple (Religion) and Jessica Beyer (Cybersecurity) are teaching innovative courses winter quarter of 2019.

Chris Seiple will teach Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy (JSIS 578).

Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy is about how you understand someone else as they understand themselves — especially their beliefs, in their own particular context — and how that impacts your interaction (and the skills you use to engage) with that environment, those relevant actors, the decision-making that results (theirs and yours), and what gets done (or not done).

Jessica Beyer will teach the Task Force course Nation-State Cybersecurity Strategy (JSIS 495).

Fundamentals of Global Cybersecurity addresses the impact of nation-state cybersecurity strategy on global security. Nation-states make strategic cybersecurity decisions about whether to create cyber-weaponry, develop hacking forces, encourage patriotic hackers, shelter cyber-criminals, or even invest in technology education. These decisions are shaping international security every day. Likewise, at the international level, geopolitical fissures continue to frustrate efforts to create international agreements around cyberattack. Meanwhile, as new people arrive online across the world, whether through their phones or desktop computers, they and their data are immediately vulnerable. To address this issue area, the course is divided into modules focused on cybersecurity politics, domestic and international, in different regions around the world. The course is taught by Jessica Beyer, but each module also features cybersecurity area experts providing course content.

This publication was made possible in part by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York. The statements made and views expressed are solely the responsibility of the author.