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Evolving US Cybersecurity Policy

Task Force 2016

Evolving US Cybersecurity Policy: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach


Paul Nicholas

Senior Director, Global Security Strategy and Diplomacy, Microsoft

Faculty Adviser


Jessica L. Beyer

Assistant Teaching Professor

Task Force

  • Mayona Aina
  • SeoHyun Bae
  • David Bornstein
  • Kai Brunson
  • Sam Choman
  • Pat Harrod
  • Estella Jung
  • Auric Kaur
  • Alex Kegel
  • Angela Kim
  • Julia Knitter
  • Oliver Marguleas
  • Hyeong Oh
  • Olivia Rao
  • Aimee Shuck
  • Monica Sobolewski
  • Sang Hyuk Yun

As world events are increasingly tied to the Internet, the task of creating shared cybersecurity norms becomes pressing. With the growing interconnectedness of our societies, challenges ranging from identity theft to international cyberattacks to even cyberwar have arisen. Taking into consideration the major international agreements, organizations, and infrastructures shaping the Internet, this task force seeks to define “cybersecurity” and address the question of what the US’s position should be vis-a-vis cybersecurity.


  • Part one of our report discusses the central issues we have identified in domestic cybersecurity policy, highlighting topics such as related cybersecurity legislation, information sharing and privacy, domestic legal frameworks, and public-private cooperation.
  • Part two of our report discusses the central issues we have defined in international cybersecurity policy highlighting topics such as the White House Strategy for Cyberspace, international agreements, international organizations and interests groups, and strategies for accountability, harmonization, and engaging international law.



¨ Establish common cyber threat assessment protocols and procedural and legal frameworks utilizing precise language

¨ Narrow existing, broad policy to foster trust and engagement between industry, states, and civil groups


¨ Work closely with existing international organizations to harmonize and balance international cybersecurity norms

¨ Creation of proactive, future oriented legislation by building public-private partnerships across multiple sectors

¨ Streamline the current governmental accreditation processes for innovative industry leaders


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