F. Bernard Loesi
In his article titled, “Billions spent on overseas counterterrorism would be better spent by involving ex-terrorists,” F. Bernard Loesi, a Jackson School doctoral candidate in international studies, shares his research on U.S. aid to combat extremism and first-hand interviews with ex-terrorists to assert while money matters, it alone isn’t enough to prevent terrorism.
Loesi wrote the article as part of the Jackson School’s Calderwood Seminars in Public Writing program in a winter quarter graduate course titled, “Writing about Religion, Freedom and the Public Sphere” taught by Christian Novetzke, a professor of International Studies, South Asia and Comparative Religion.
“The method of the Calderwood class was really helpful to bring the article to fruition,” said Loesi. “I received wonderful feedback from Professor Novetzke and my classmates on all the writing assignments. The class is surely inspiring!”
Loesi, who has received research funding from the UW Southeast Asia Center, which is housed at the Jackson School, is currently working on a project about deradicalization of violent militants.