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Winter 2025 course list

A snowy UW campus

January 8, 2025

Winter registration is fast approaching! Join Latin American and Caribbean Studies faculty members this winter for a diverse range of coursework.

Latin American History Courses

HSTAA 105: The Peoples of the United States

Instructor: James N Gregory

MWF | 12:30-1:20 p.m. | SIG 134

5 credits (DIV, SSc, W) | SLN: 15649

Course Description

History of diverse peoples who have come together through conquest and immigration since 1500, including Native Americans, Europeans, Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans. Explores contributions of many peoples with special attention to changing constructions of race and ethnicity and evolving understandings of what it means to be American.


HSTLAC 482: The History of Brazil: Colonial Period to the Present

Instructor: Ileana M. Rodriguez-Silva

TTh | 12:30-2:20 p.m. | SMI 313

5 credits (SSc) | SLN: 15722

Course Description

Colonial foundations; the first and second empires; the old and new republics; current problems; prospects for the future.

Contemporary Latin American Courses

JSIS A 324 / LSJ 322: Human Rights in Latin America

Instructor: Angelina Snodgrass Godoy

MW | 10-11:20 a.m. | SIG 134

5 credits (DIV, SSc) | SLN: 16252, 16931

Course description

Overview of human rights issues and their recent evolution in Latin American history; military dictatorships; contemporary challenges in the region’s democracies. Human rights concerns in relation to broader sociopolitical context.


JSIS A 342 / POL S 342: Government and Politics of Latin America

Instructor: Livia Azevedo Lima

TTh | 2:30-4:20 p.m. | WFS 201

5 credits (SSc, W) | SLN: 16260, 19602

Course description

Analyzes the political dynamics of change in Latin America, comparing various national approaches to the political problems of modernization, economic development, and social change.

Latin American Electives

CHSTU 101: The Chicano/Mexican Ethnic Experience in the United States

Instructor: Elizabeth Ramirez Arreola

MW | 2:30-4:20 p.m. | JHN 102

5 credits (DIV, SSc) | SLN: 12520

Course description

Examines the Chicano/Mexican American experience, with a focus on past and contemporary issues of race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status.


CHSTU 332: Chicano Film and Narrative

Instructor: Lauro H Flores

TTh | 10:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. | THO 134

5 credits (DIV, SSc, A&H) | SLN: 12525

Course description

Provides a historical overview of the evolution of Chicano culture through film. Critically examines the portrayal and self-portrayal of Chicanos in film and selected works of narrative. Taught in English.


CHSTU 359 / POL S 359: U.S. Latino Politics

Instructor: Sophia J Wallace

MW | 10:30 a.m.-12:50 p.m. | MGH 231

5 credits (DIV, SSc) | SLN: 12526, 19614

Course description

Examines historical and current political incorporation of Latinos in the United States. Topics include Latino voting and voter mobilization, office seeking and representation, Latino public opinion, and public policy formation on “Latino issues.”


CHSTU 466: Chicano Literature: Fiction

Instructor: Lauro H Flores

TTh | 1:30-3:20 p.m. | CMU 226

5 credits (A&H) | SLN: 12529

Course description

Examines nineteenth- and early twentieth-century fiction, as well as contemporary works in attempts to trace the development of Chicano fiction in the proper historical trajectory. Taught in English.


C LIT 321: Studies in Literature of the Americas

Instructors: Elizabeth Hochberg, Lauro H Flores

TTh | 12:30-2:20 p.m. | FSH 108

TTh | 1:30-3:20 p.m. | CMU 226

5 credits (A&H) | SLN: 22245, 11897

Course Description

Emphasizes connections between twentieth century literature of the United States and Canada and current literature of Latin America. Emphasizes that, despite obvious differences, much is shared in terms of culture and national sensibility across the two continents.


SPAN 324: Coffee Cultures: Food, Politics, and Society

Instructor: Ana M. Gomez-Bravo

TTh | 2:30-3:50 p.m. | SAV 164

5 credits (A&H) | SLN: 20560

Course Description

Coffee cultures in a multicultural Hispanic world. Examines how coffee helped create public spaces where political movements, cultural trends, and entire literary generations were shaped. Also examines growing traditions related to the coffee plant, as well as related rituals, foodways, and material culture.

Language courses

PORT 103: Elementary Portuguese

Instructors: Eduardo Viana Da Silva, Felipe Carneiro de Figueredo

MTWThF | 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. | DEN 156

TTh | 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. | DEN 113

5 credits (A&H) | SLN: 19665, 22033


SPAN 202: Intermediate Spanish

Instructor: Jorge Gonzalez-Casanova

MTWThF | 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. | LOW 112

MTWThF | 9:30-10:20 a.m. | LOW 105

5 credits (A&H) | SLN: 20530, 22445

Course Description

Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Review of Spanish grammar. Oral practice based on literary and cultural readings. Second in a sequence of three.


SPAN 317: Spanish and Latin American Literature in English Translation

Instructor: Elizabeth Hochberg

TTh | 12:30-2:20 p.m. | FSH 108

5 credits (A&H) | SLN: 20557

Course Description

Spanish and Latin American literature in English translation, with consideration of their background and influence.


SPAN 597: Literary Problems: Spanish-American Colonial Literature

Instructor: Raquel Albarrán

W | 2:30-5:20 p.m. | MEB 245

5 credits (A&H) | SLN: 20579

Latin America and Carribbean Studies Staff