Private: Saberes Sin Fronteras
Sponsorship Levels
Oro (Gold) | $5,000
- Prime seating for eight guests
- Half-page ad in program and recognition on invitation and all promotional materials
- 5 VIP parking passes • Sponsor name announced during event
- Prominent signage at event
- Recognition in all promotional materials; press releases, social media, and website
- Recognition in LACS Annual Report
Plata (Silver) | $2,500
- Prime seating for eight guests
- Recognition in program and on invitation
- Sponsor name announced during event and on electronic media
- Recognition in LACS Annual Report
Cobre (Copper) | $1,500
- Seating for eight guests
- Recognition in program
- Recognition in LACS Annual Report
Table: Seating for eight guests | $1,200
Confirm your Sponsorship
Please send the following information to Monica Rojas-Stewart:
Payable To: University of Washington; Attn: Monica Rojas-Stewart, Box 353650 Seattle, WA 98195
- Contact Name
- Sponsor Name (for printed material)
- Address
- Company logo (Plata sponsors and above – high resolution and png)
- Phone
- Sponsorship Level
- Your support to the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program is tax deductible