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Opening Reception: V Simposio de Mujeres Latinas

May 21, 2018

On Thursday May 17, 2018, the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program at the University of Washington and the Simposio de Mujeres Latinas at North Seattle College brought their hands together to cultivate saberes sin fronteras as part of LACS’ 25th annivesary and SML’s 5th anniversary celebrations. This event took place at the University of Washington Burke Museum. The reception featured a keynote address by Seattle City Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda.  Master of Ceremonies was Univision Seattle News Anchor Paula Lamas. This event was sponsored by the Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Simposio de Mujeres Latinas, Office of the Provost, Office of External Affairs, Office of Minority and Diversity, Center for Global Studies.

Here is an article published in the Daily


Latin America and Carribbean Studies Staff