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LACS Chair and Faculty received the Latino Center for Health Award

May 6, 2019

Congratulations to LACS Chair Jose Antonio Lucero and LACS Faculty and Executive Committee Members,
Maria Elena Garcia & Ricardo Gomez

The Latino Center for Health at UW selected Dr. Jose Antonio Lucero, Dr. Maria Elena Garcia and Dr. Ricardo Gomez to be recognized at the Latinx Faculty Recognition Event, May 2 2019. This annual event honors the scholarly achievements of Latina and Latino faculty across the three-campuses of the University of Washington for the academic year 2018-2019.

Jose Antonio Lucero is the Chair of Latin America and Caribbean Studies and the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies Associate Director.

María Elena García is associate professor in Comparative History of Ideas and the Jackson School of International Studies. She is also Joff Hanauer Honors Professor in Western Civilization (2018-2020).

Ricardo Gomez is Associate Professor in the Information School.


Jose Antonio Lucero, Maria Elena García and Ricardo Gomez receive award from UW Regent Rogelio Riojas

Latin America and Carribbean Studies Staff