
Saša Jenko is on a sabbatical as an EU fellow at the Jackson School of International Studies. Saša is with the EU Commission and is the Head of Sector for Health reforms at DG Reform. She is specifically working to support EU Health Ministries with digital transformation of health systems including design, implementation and monitoring of health reforms. She is interested in ways of implementing innovation in a trustworthy and equitable way. Her sabbatical fellowship is intended to learn more about this across the US.  She’s particularly interested in learning more about best practices of design/implementation of AI solutions in USA and draft a proposal for practical guidelines/checklist for the implementation of AI related technologies in EU health systems in an ethical, transparent and trustworthy manner from an organizational, economic, legal and regulatory perspective.

Sasa’s broad research questions are the following:
  • How are AI systems implemented in health (care) in the USA?
  • What are the technical implications and lessons learned?
  • What kind of guidelines/checklists exist in the USA and how are they implemented/enforced?
  • How is the ethics perspective taken into account (data privacy)?