Member State Civil Society Resources (OLD)

Civil Society Organizations – Women

Civil Society Organizations - Women

  • CEE Network for Gender Issues

  • European Network of Migrant Women

  • European Women's Lobby

  • Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE)

  • Women Engage for a Common Future

  • Women in Development Europe+

  • (Verein Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser) Association of Autonomous Austrian Women's Shelters - AÖF

    AUSTRIA| 1988
    The Association of Autonomous Austrian Women's Shelters (AÖF) is the network of 13 autonomous women's shelters in Austria and information center for women regarding domestic violence, and women's rights and laws.
  • (Netzwerk österreichischer Frauen und Mädchenberatungsstellen) Network of Austrian Counseling Centres for Women and Girls

    AUSTRIA | 1995
    The network of Austrian counseling centers for women and girls is an umbrella organization spreading across Austria that offers free counselling, training courses and information/statistics relevant to women, and advocacy for women in politics and law.
  • (Le Monde Selon les Femmes) The World According to Women

    BELGIUM| 1986
    "The World According to Women focuses on development cooperation, continuing education, and action research. Its goal is to place a gender perspective into human rights issues though research-action using local/regional understandings, training, and advocacy work. "
  • (Vie Féminine) Women's Life

    BELGIUM| 1922
    Vie Féminine is a broad organization (locations throughout Belgium) that brings together women of different ages and cultures. The goal is to work towards an equal and democratic society and to fight sexism, racism, violence, and other issues that hold back the empowerment of all women.
  • ( Джендър алтернативи) Gender Alternatives

    The Gender Alternatives Foundation works towards the empowerment of women and girls. GAF focuses on working with the Bulgarian legislation on violence and discrimination against females and implementation of human rights protections in Bulgaria.
  • (Български фонд за жените) The Bulgarian Fund for Women

    BULGARIA| 2004
    The Bulgarian Fund for Women (BFW) is the only donor in Bulgaria that supports women's empowerment, rights, and gender equality. BFW invests in CSOs and socal actors that are working towards social change and enhancing women's rights.
  • Domine

    CROATIA| 2002
    Domine is an NGO dedicated to promoting women's rights through education, media, publishing, public campaigns, and direct support. Some of Domine's many focuses include economic empowerment of women, violence prevention, and creating feminist libraries.
  • (Ženska soba) Women's Room

    CROATIA| 2002
    Women's Room provides support to women who are survivors of sexual violence. Some of their work includes work with direct survivors, but also developing public policies, education, improving legislation, and raising awareness.
  • (Συνδέσμου για την Πρόληψη και Αντιμετώπιση της Βίας στην Οικογένεια ) Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family

    CYPRUS| 1990
    The Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family is an organization that aims to prevent domestic violence an offers support and guidance to those being abused and those who are abusing others. This NGO also offers statistics and information regarding gender equality and domestic violence.
  • ( Κυπριακό Λόμπυ Γυναικών) Cyprus Women's Lobby

    CYPRUS| 2008
    The Cyprus Women's Lobby is an umbrella network of women's NGOs that brings together women across Cyprus. Serves as an excellent jumping off point for more specific women NGOs and works to promote gender equality and participation of women in policy and law making.
  • Czech Women's Lobby

    The Czech Women's Lobby is the umbrella organization for women's rights of the Czech Republic and represents several women's organizatons as well as being a part of the European Women's Lobby.
  • (Český svaz žen) The Czech Women's Union

    The Czech Women's Union is the largest women's organization in the Czech Republic and relies on volunteers to advocate for the benefits of women and their rights. Its advocacy stretches across the rights of women in several spheres, including domestic violence, the social position of women, women in the labor market, and educational rights.
  • (Feministisk Forandring) Feminist Change

    DENMARK| 2015
    Feminist Change is a Danish organization that works towards a fairier society and to challenge existing norms and structures. This organization focuses on change through activism and involvement in politics and policy making.
  • (Kvindernes Internationale Liga for Fred og Frihed) Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

    DENMARK| 1915
    The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom is a female organization that works for disarmament and peaceful resolution of conflicts. This organization also works to strengthen the political, social, and economic positions of women globally, especially in warzones and areas of conflict.
  •  (Kvinderådet) The Women’s Council Denmark

    DENMARK| 1899
    The Women’s Council Denmark is a non-governmental umbrella organisation (NGO) for more than 40 organisations working to promote womens rights and gender equality in Denmark and globally.
  • (Eesti Akadeemiliste Naiste Ühing - EANÜ) Association of Estonian Academic Women

    ESTONIA| 1926
    EANÜ works to bring together women in higher education to use their skills to solve issues in academia and public life, to maintain professional ethics, and to protects freedoms in research and academia.
  • (Eesti Naisteühenduste Ümarlaud) Estonian Women's Associations Roundtable

    ESTONIA| 2003
    Round Table of Estonian Women's Associations brings together women's associations across Estonia to create common positions regarding women in social life, democracy, and equality between men and women.
  • Feministeerium

  •  (Eesti Naisuurimus- ja Teabekeskus - ENUT) The Estonian Women’s Studies and Resource Centre

    ESTONIA| 1997
    The Estonian Women's Studies and Resource Centre is an NGO based in Tallinn University that maintains a specialized library on women's and gender issues, improves public access to publications and documents regarding gender (through databases and networking), and promotes cooperation between the public, NGOs, and academic institutions regarding women and gender issues.
  • NYTKIS - The Coalition of Finnish Women´s Associations

    FINLAND| 1988
    NYTKIS is an umbrella organization of women's organizations that are involved in Finnish parliament, and a few other larger women's organizations. This organization has regional committees and and is highly involved in Finnish parliament and politics.
  • (Naisasialiitto Unioni ry) The Feminist Association Union

    FINLAND| 1892
    The Feminist Association Union is both a feminist and antiracist organization that focuses on intersectionalities in feminism and different forms of oppression. Some actions undertaken by this organization includes public statements, publishing expert opinions, and offering concrete help for women through several services.
  • (Osez le féminisme!) Dare Feminism!

    FRANCE| 2009
    This is a national feminist association with several local branches located across France. Osez le féminisme! undertakes several campaigns in the gender realm including abortion rights, sexual harrasment, and how women are treated by various political groups (especially groups on the far-right).
  • (CONSEIL INTERNATIONAL DES FEMMES - CNFF) National Council of French Women

    FRANCE| 1901
    CNFF is the first federation of women's associations in France and brings together professional, charitable, cultural, and other types of involvement groups in public life and gender equality. It focuses on the status of women in society and works at both a regional and international level.
  • Women for Women France

    FRANCE| 2018
    Women for Women France aims to ensure that anyone experiencing domestic violence in France, regardless of their background, race, language or any other factor, is supported, protected, and can access and assert their rights. Women for Women France focuses on domestic abuse and violence, but also offers support for overall mental health, divorce and family issues, legal advice, and many other social areas that impact women.
  • (Zentrale Informationsstelle Autonomer Frauenhäuser - ZIF) Central Information Point of Autinomous Women's Refugees

    GERMANY| 1980
    ZIF is a central information point for women and children who are victims of domestic abuse and/or violence. This organization also works as the voice of female refugees at the federal policy making level, therefore publishing opinion pieces and information regarding violence issues against women and children.
  • The Federal Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers at Universities (Bukof)

    GERMANY| 1989
    Bukof fights for the equal treatment of genders in universities/academic settings. Members of this organization include universities (represented by women/advocates) and other employees/officials involved with equal opportunity advancement. Bukof works on equality related policy issues at the state, federal, and university level.
  • (Deutcher Frauenrat) National Council of German Women's Organizations

    GERMANY| 1951
    The National Council of German Women's Organizations is an umbrella organziation of several nation-wide women's groups. This organization's goal is gender equality in the workplace, family, politics, business and culture. To achieve this, The National Council of German Women's Organizations works with the parliament and federal government and organizes campaigns across several networks. The organization serves as an excellent starting point to discover more women organizations, resources, and literature in Germany.
  • Action for Women

    GREECE| 2016
    Action for Women is a women's rights organization that supports female refugees and asylum seekers. Their advocacy ranges from giving women in camps a safe place to gather/relax/socialize, find legal/mental/physical aid, and find housing, work, and connection in Greece as they settle in the EU.
  • (Εθνικό Συμβούλιο Ελληνίδων) National Council of Greek Women - NCGW

    GREECE| 1908
    NCGW is a part of the International Council of Women and the European Women's Lobby, and represents many women's organizations across Greece (and some in Cyprus). NCGW works to promote the interests and status of women in all parts of life, specifically with family, society, the community, and the state.
  • (NŐK A TUDOMÁNYBAN EGYESÜLET - NATE) Association of Hungarian Women in Science

    HUNGARY| 2008
    NATE focuses on equal representation of both men and women in the field of science and technology and to attract more young women and girls into the STEM area. Some tools that NATE uses are the positive examples of female role models, community building, and creative events.
  • ( Női Érdek) Hungarian Women's Lobby

    HUNGARY| 2003
    The Hungarian Women's Lobby is an umbrella organization that represents women's organizations across Hungary. Some of its goals are to strengthen the abilities and influence of its member organizations (in promoting women's rights), mainstream women's rights into governmental work, and increase public awareness of gender equality at a national and international level.
  • National Women's Council

    IRELAND| 1973
    The National Women's Council of Ireland is the main representative organization for women's groups and individuals in Ireland. Their goal is to lead the action towards gender equality through mobilisation, influencing, and creating solidarity.
  • Women's Collective Ireland

    IRELAND| 2002
    Women's Collective Ireland is working towards a society where women of all backgrounds can thrive with full human rights and equality. To do this, Women's Collective Ireland partakes in community development at the local and national level and works at grassroots levels through community projects.
  • (Associazione Italiana Donne per lo Sviluppo- AIDOS) Italian Association for Women in Development

    ITALY| 1981
    AIDOS works for equality and freedom for women and girls globally. This organization works with local organizations and institutions to aid women in their specific areas. Some areas of focus are: women's political/social rights, sexual and reproductive rights, economic empowerment, and education.
  • Young Women Network - YWN

    ITALY| 2012
    YWN is dedicated to the mentoring and empowerment of young women, in order to enhance the tole of women in society. YWN stresses the importance of teamwork and solidarity between women and works to create environments where young women can be mentored, supported, and grow.
  • Marta Centre

    LATVIA| 2000
    Marta Centre gives social, legal, and psychological aid to victims of violence and trafficking and aids women and children in difficult life situations, including domestic abuse, violence, and difficult economic situations. Marta Centre also works with men to challenge stereotypes and reduce violence.
  • (Sieviešu sadarbības tīklaa) Women's Cooperation Network

    LATVIA| 2003
    Latvia's Women's Cooperation Network represents several female organizations in Latvia with the goal of defending and enhancing women's rights at the national and EU level.
  • Vilnius Women's Home (VMN)

    LITHUANIA| 1993
    VMN's mission is to provide assistance and support to those who have or are currently experiencing violence or abuse and to defend women's rights at a local and international level. VMN also offers reports and information about violence and gender rights and works with other European organizations to combat violence.
  • (Moterų informacijos centras) Women's Issues Information Centre

    LITHUANIA| 1996
    The Women's Information Centre is a team of professionals that work to educate and inform the public about gender equality, policy, issues, and its development in Lithuania. Some of their programs focus on violence against women, human trafficking, family and work balance, and female entrepreneurship.
  • (Conseil National Des Femmes du Luxembourg- CNFL) National Council of Women of Luxembourg

    LUXEMBOURG| 1975
    CNFL is a representative group of organizations and institutions across Luxembourg that are involved with gender equality. Some of their areas of focus include national policy, women's sports, local policy, and representing young women.
  • (Fraen an Gender) Women and Gender in Luxembourg - CID

    LUXEMBOURG| 1992
    CID works to improve the social status of women, as well as general issues around gender, in Luxembourg. CID maintains readings, studies, and general literature about gender and women and actively partakes in political issues.
  • Malta Women's Lobby - MWL

    MALTA| 2004
    MWL is an umbrella organization representing women's groups in Malta and works for women's rights.
  • Women for Women

    MALTA| 2019
    Women for Women Foundation works to empower women and girls through education, aid and empowerment with finance, and access to resources that promote gender equality. This group also hosts the Women for Women Social Fund, which supports women and families in difficult times.
  • Atria - Institute on Gender Equality and Women's History

    Atria serves as a valuable resource on women's literature and history in order to promote the development and equal treatment of women. Atria also provides advice about future policy making and works with several other institutions and universities to provide relevant and truthful information. This organization is recognized by UNESCO and is signed into the Dutch Diversity Charter
  • (Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad) Dutch Women's Council 

    The Dutch Women's Council is an organization representing several women's groups and organizations and works to represent the interests of all Dutch women. Dutch Women's Council lobbies on women's issues, and works with policy makers in the Netherlands, EU, and United Nations.
  • WO=MEN

    WO=MEN works on the implementation of gender equality and women powerment as one the United Nation's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This is one of the largest gender platforms in Europe with several organizations and professionals working together
  • (Stowarzyszenie Aktywne Kobiety) Active Women Association

    POLAND| 2002
    Active Women Association focuses on the empowerment and inclusion of minority and vulnerable groups in Poland, including youth, seniors, and minorities. Their main activities include education and information, social and media campaigns, forming coalitions, lobbying, advocacy, and counseling.
  • Karat Coalition

    POLAND| 1997
    Karat Coalition works for gender equality on the local, national, European and international levels, representing women in Poland and Eastern Europe. Karat Coalition's main areas of focus are on women's rights and socio-economic justice, meaning they focus on the intersectionality of discrimination based on both gender and socio-economic status.
  • (Centrum Praw Kobiet) Women's Rights Center

    POLAND| 1993
    The Women's Rights Center fights discrimination and violence against women in all aspects of life. The Women's Rights Center undertakes several activities including support for women (legal, emotional, shelters, etc), education, and law making and lobbying.
  • (Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres) Portugese Platform for Women's Rights

    PORTUGAL| 2004
    The Portugese Platform for Women's Rights focuses on creating equal opportunities between men and women and defending women's rights through several means, including research, lobbying, and education.
  • (A Rede Portuguesa de Jovens para a Igualdade de Oportunidades entre Mulheres e Homens - REDE) Portugese Youth Network for Equal Opportunities between Men and Women

    PORTUGAL| 2000
    REDE's focus is to promote gender equality in youth, based on the guidelines from the United Nations and European Union. Some of its methods include education, empowerment, promoting citizen participation, and advocacy and lobbying.
  • (A Associação de Mulheres Contra a Violência) The Association of Women Against Violence

    PORTUGAL| 1993
    The Association of Women Against Violence works to promote human rights, specifically the rights of women and children, as well as fighting violence and discrimination. Some of this organization's goals are to educate the public about issues of violence and discrimination against women and youth, train professionals to help women and children, provide support for at risk groups, and provide shelter.
  • Reaching Out Romania

    ROMANIA| 1999
    Reaching Out Romania is a shelter that offers aid to victims of human trafficking (many of whom are women and children). This organization works with policy makers and law enforcement to end human trafficking and offers resources to victims.
  • Romanian Women's Lobby

    ROMANIA| 2005
    The Romanian Women's Lobby represents several women organizations in Romania and works to promote gender equality.
  • EsFem

    SLOVAKIA| 1999
    EsFem is an organization that works to educate the public on issues of gender equality. This organization hosts events and a library with many resources.
  • Fenestra

    SLOVAKIA| 1996
    Fenestra's focus is fighting gender-based violence by both educating the public and providing women who are experiencing violence with help.
  • (Možnosť voľby) Possibility of Choice

    SLOVAKIA| 2001
    Possibility of Choice works for a society where people can have less restricted lives that are not determined by gender stereotypes. This organization began with the goal of protecting women's reproductive rights in Slovakia, however it has now progressed to fighting violence against women, gender policies, and teaching a gender perspective in youth and the general public
  • (Ženski lobi Slovenije) Women's Lobby of Slovenia

    SLOVENIA| 2006
    The Women's Lobby of Slovenia represents several women's organizations in Slovenia and serves a member of the the European Women's Lobby. This is an excellent starting point for more gender related resources in Slovenia.
  • Asociación Por Ti Mujer

    SPAIN| 2009
    This organization understands gender equality as a human right and fights for gender equality across all spheres (civil, political, cultural, economic, etc). Asociación Por Ti Mujer looks at the structural causes of gender inequality and that restrict women's rights and that cause discrimination against women.
  • Fundación Mujeres

    Fundación Mujeres is an organization that works for political and social change to promote gender equality. This is an activist organiztion that uses campaigns to create change. This organization provides publications and other resources surrounding gender in order to educate the public.
  • (Mujeres en Igualdad) Women in Equality

    SPAIN| 1992
    Mujeres en Igualdad is a member of the Consultative Status in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and works to eradicate gender-based violence and create equal opportunities for women and men. This organization values communication and acts as an information channel for efforts being carried out by many groups in pushing for equality in Spain and many other parts of the world.
  • Talita

    Talita helps women out of pornography, prostitution, and human trafficking, through the methods of aid are prevention, outreach, and rehabilitation. Talita works closely with police and social services in order to fight the organized crime around sexual exploitation.
  • Tjezonen

    Tjezonen is the largest organization for girls (ages 10-25) in Sweden. This organization focuses on girls' mental health, and works to educate the public as well as offer aid to girls who are struggling. These issues range from help with eating disorders to aid with legal issues.
  • The Swedish Women's Lobby

    SWEDEN| 1997
    The Swedish Women’s Lobby (SWL) is a politically and religiously independent umbrella organization for women’s organizations in Sweden. Their work is to achieve full human rights for women and a gender equal society within Sweden, the EU and internationally.
  • Unizon

    SWEDEN| 1996
    Unizon focuses on gender-based violence against women and children and represents over 130 women's/girls'/youth shelters in Sweden. Unizon takes an advocacy based approach and works on policy and with authorities to stop gender-based violence and hold perpetrators accountable.
  • Bloody Good Period

    Boody Good Period provides resources to women who are struggling to afford/access feminine hygeine materials, many of whom are asylum seekers and refugees. Bloody Good Period aims to someday make menstrual products government aided, so that all women can have easy access.
  • Fawcett Society 

    Fawcett is one of the UK's leading gender equality organizations and fights for women's rights at work, home, and in public life. Some of Fawcett's campaigns include fight for equal pay, equal representation in government, changing stereotypes, and defending women's rights during COVID-19
  • Imkaan

    Imkaan represents several organization in the UK that fight violence against Black and Minority women. Some of their methods of support for women include training and education, community engagement, and long-term support for Black and Minority organizations.