REECAS NW Past Conferences



Twentieth Annual
Northwest Regional Conference for
Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies

Bridging Trends
in Area Studies
for the Next Generation

Saturday, April 26, 2014
Portland State University
Portland, Oregon

Presented by:
The Ellison Center for Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies
at the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies
University of Washington

World Languages and Literatures,
and the Russian Flagship Center,
Portland State University 

 Conference Program


Registration 9:00—9:30

Session 1 9:30—11:15

Break 11:15—11:45

Plenary Session 11:45—1:00

Break 1:00—1:15

Session 2 1:15—3:00

Break 3:00—3:15

Session 3 3:15—4:45

Closing Reception 4:45—5:45



Panel 1A  (Room 327)

Soviet Blues:  Improvisation and the Individual in Stalin’s Time

Matthew Cotton, PhD Student, History, UW, Tito’s International Show Trial: The Stalinist Mentality behind the Soviet-Yugoslav Split

Katja Schatte, PhD Student, History, UW, Living “In Between”: Wolfgang Leonhard’s Coming of Age in the Soviet Union, 1935-1945

Sarah Zaides, PhD Student, History, UW,  Arkady Raikin and the Politics of Jewish Theater: 1948-1987

Taylor Zajicek, MA Student, REECAS, UW,  Interwar Ankara and Turkish Modernization in the Soviet Imaginary

 Panel 1B (Room 328)

Liminal Spaces: Autonomy and Alignment of Person and Place in the Lands Between East and West

Austin Crane, PhD Student, Geography, UW, Developing Borders in the Neighborhood: The Role of migration management in changing EU-Ukraine relations

Julian Gantt, PhD Student, Anthropology, CUNY , Bolshevik Islam or Islamic Bolshevism?: Property, Religion, and Socialism in the South Caucasus

Abby Grewatz, MA Folklore, UO, Folk Art, Nationalism, and Identity in a Kyiv, Ukraine Souvenir Market

Christi Anne Hofland, MA Student, REECAS, UW, The Role of Creative Expression in Popular Mobilization: The Case of #Euromaidan

 Panel 1C (Room 329)

 Imaging the Text: Literary Creativity from the Eastern Bloc

Norma Comrada, Lecturer, REEES, UO,  Karel Čapek: Author as Visual Artist

Nila Friedberg, Professor, World Languages and Literature, PSU, Iconic Stepladders: Boris Slutsky and Mayakovsky’s Legacy

Martha Hickey, Graduate Student in Russian Languages and Literature, PSU, The Writer and the Work: Mikhail Kozakov’s “Diary” and Affairs of the Writers Press (1928-31)

Grace Mahoney, BA, English Literature, Seattle U., Bodies for the Future: Innovation and Ideology in Tretiakov, Rodchenko, and Stepanova’s Collaborative Work “Autoanimals”

 Plenary Session (Brownbag Lunch)

 Bridging Trends in Area Studies for the Next Generation
(Chair: Scott Radnitz)

Scott Radnitz, Director, Ellison Center for Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies, UW

Michael Bacon, Portland Public Schools Assistant Director of Dual Language Immersion

Sandra Freels, Professor of Russian, Director, Russian Flagship Center, PSU

 Panel 2A  (Room 327)

Modern Russia: Challenges and Opportunities in Constructing Institutions

Anna Klyueva, PhD Student, Russian and Journalism, UO, Formalization of Media Bribery in the Urals Federal District of Russia 

Erin Weeks-Earp, PhD Student, Education, Columbia University, Russian Pathways Into Teaching

Sarah McPhee, MA Student, REECAS, UW,  Securing Sochi: The Challenges of Building Soft Power through a Potemkin Village

David Wishard, MA Student, REECAS and Public Policy, UW,  The Frozen Commons:  The Arctic Council and Land-Based Marine Pollution Regulation in the Russian North

 Panel 2B (Room 328)

Things Fall Apart: Deconstructing Language and Identity in the Balkans

Una Bobinac, MA Student, REECAS, UW, The Disintegration of Yugoslavia: An Analysis of Globalization Effects on Union and Disintegration of the SFRY

Matthew Boyd, PhD Student, Slavic, UW, A Really Great Tattoo: Lies, Mimicry, Hope, and Optimism in the Yugoslav New Wave

Almir Methadzovic, MA Student, REEES, UO, Language Politics and Segregated Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina 

 Panel 2C (Room 329)

K–12 Russian Immersion Language Curriculum Framework: Development and Implementation
(Chair: Cinnamon Bancroft, Portland Public Schools)

Alexandra Kichatov, Woodburn School District, History of the RILCF Project

Natalia Gunther, Portland Public Schools, Structure of the RILCF

Olessia Bordioug, Portland Public Schools, Piloting RILCF in First Grade

Ekaterina Huelsman, Woodburn School District, Piloting RILCF in Fourth Grade

 Panel 3A  (Room 327)

A Century of Tangled Webs: Security, Diplomacy, and Espionage in the REECA Neighborhood

Benjamin Tromly, Associate Professor, History, University of Puget Sound, Pragmatic Fanaticism: The NTS (Narodno-trudovoi soiuz), the CIA, and the early Cold War

Rafeel Wasif, MA Student, South Asian Studies, UW, Impact on Central Asia of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan

George Wright, Associate Professor (Retired), Economics, UW, Choosing Between the Neighbors: The Costs and Benefits for Kyrgyzstan of Joining the Eurasian Customs Union

 Panel 3B (Room 328)

Reviving Dystopia: Cultural Resurgence in the Aftermath of Empire

Indra Ekmanis, PhD Student, REECAS, UW, Dancing in the Face of Discourse: Combating Conflict through Interethnic Civil Society

Anatoliy Klots, PhD Student, Slavic, UW, Dystopian Nationalism: Ethnic Relations in Vladimir Sorokin’s Day of the Oprichnik

Veronica Muskheli, PhD Student, Slavic, UW, The Current Folk Storytelling Revival in Slovenia

Panel 3C  (Room 329)

Diaspora Language and Local Community: K-12 Immersion Programs and Heritage Dialects in the Pacific Northwest

Tamara B. Morris, Affiliated Faculty PSU and Courtesy Professor UO, and Richard A. Morris, Affiliated Faculty PSU and Courtesy Professor UO, Changes in the Russian Language and Culture of Old Believers over the Half Century of Living in North America

Erin Weeks-Earp, PhD Student, Education, Columbia University (plus students and parents), K-12 Russian Immersion Roundtable: Seven Years, and Going Strong

Closing Reception

Sponsored by: World Languages and Literatures and the Russian Flagship Center at Portland State University