Academic programs


Current Course Offerings

Current Southeast Asian Studies Courses:

Note: Course meeting times, locations and even days may change during registration periods. Please recheck your schedule on your registration prior to the first day of class. The registration system does NOT send out change notifications. However, your personal schedule will be updated within myPlan.

Quarterly Course Offerings: 

2024-2025: Autumn / Winter

2023-2024: Autumn / Winter / Spring

2022-2023: Autumn / Winter / Spring

2021-2022: Autumn / Winter / Spring / Summer

2020-2021: Autumn / Winter / Spring

2019-2020: Autumn / Winter / Spring

2018-2019: SummerAutumn / Winter / Spring

2017-2018: Summer/Autumn / WinterSpring

2016-2017: Summer/AutumnWinter/ Spring

2015-2016: SummerAutumn / Winter / Spring

2014-2015: Autumn / Winter / Spring

Southeast Asia Comprehensive Course List (pdf):

Updated 5/2/2018

American Ethnic Studies
AAS 210 Asian American and Pacific Islander American Identity: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture
AAS 360 Filipino-American History and Culture
AAS 392 Asian American and Pacific Islander Women
AAS 395 Critical Studies of Post-Vietnam War Southeast Asian Americans: Not Just Refugees
AAS 402 Contemporary Asian American Literature
AES 462 Comparative Race and Ethnic Relations
AES 498 Special Topics in American Ethnic Studies*

ANTH 210 Introduction to Environmental Anthropology*
ANTH 303 Technologies of Health*
ANTH 306 The Power of Representation: Pacific Islander Voices
ANTH 314 Ethnography, Transnationalism, and Community in Island Southeast Asia/Asian America
ANTH 315 Southeast Asian Civilization: Buddhist and Vietnamese
ANTH 352 Buddhism and Society: The Theravada Buddhist Tradition in South and Southeast Asia
ANTH 369 Special Problems in Anthropology*
ANTH 408 Experiment Southeast Asia
ANTH 421 Belief, Ritual, and the Structure of Religion*
ANTH 428 Anthropological Perspectives on Ethnicity*
ANTH 442 Global Asia
ANTH 445 Literature and Society in Southeast Asia
ANTH 469 Special Studies in Anthropology*
ANTH 471 Colonialism and Culture
ANTH 473 Anthropology of Science and Technology*
ANTH 479 Advanced Topics in Medical Anthropology*
ANTH 498 Women’s Rights and Politics in Islamic Society
ANTH 526 Political Islam and Islamic Fundamentalism
ANTH 569 Special Topics in Sociocultural Anthropology*

ARCHY 270 Field Course in Archaeology*
ARCHY 309 Archaeology of Mainland Southeast Asia
ARCHY 325 Archaeology of Island Southeast Asia and the Pacific
ARCHY 525 Archaeology of Island Southeast Asia and the Pacific

Asian Languages and Literature
ASIAN 200 Introduction to Asian Languages and Literature
ASIAN 207 Special Topics in Literature and Culture of Asia*
ASIAN 401 Introduction to Asian Linguistics
ASIAN 494 Ramayana in Comparative Perspective
VIET 249 Urban Vietnam: Work and Culture
VIET 361 Postwar Vietnam in Literature, Media, and Film  

Comparative History of Ideas
CHID 484 Colonial Encounters
CHID 485 Comparative Colonialism
CHID 498 Special Colloquia *

Comparative Literature
C LIT 322 Studies in Asian and Western Literatures*
C LIT 323 Literature of Emerging Nations*
C LIT 432 Technology and Culture in the Making of Contemporary Empires*

Comparative Religion
RELIG 211 Introduction to Muslim Beliefs and Practices
RELIG 356 Buddhism and Society: The Theravada Buddhist Tradition in South and Southeast Asia

ENGL 316 Postcolonial Literature and Culture*
ENGL 478 Language and Social Policy*

College of the Environment
ENVIR 103 Society and the Oceans
ENVIR 433 Environmental Degradation in the Tropics
SMEA 103 Society and the Oceans
SMEA 433 Environmental Degradation in the Tropics
SMEA 509 Integrated Coastal Management

HSTAS 221 History of Southeast Asia
HSTAS 244 Imperialism and Anti-Colonialism in Asia
HSTAS 245 Human Rights in Asia
HSTAS 264 Violence, Race, and Memory
HSTAS 265 The Viet Nam Wars
HSTAS 462 Southeast Asian History to 1800
HSTAS 463 Southeast Asian History from 1800 to the Present
HSTAS 466 Islam, Mysticism, Politics and Performance in Indonesian Culture
HSTAS 490 Topics in Asian History*
HSTAS 530 Field Course in Southeast Asian History
HSTAS 532 Seminar in Southeast Asian History
HSTAS 534 Indonesian Histories, Oral Traditions, and Archives
HSTAS 566 Islam, Mysticism, Politics, and Performance in Indonesia
HSTAS 590 Special Topics in Southeast Asia*
HSTCMP 205 Filipino Histories
HSTCMP 367 Southeast Asian Activism and Social Engagement
HSTCMP 425 History of the British Empire and Commonwealth Since 1783
HSTCMP 468 Theater as the Site of History and Memory*
HSTCMP 485 Comparative Colonialism*
HSTRY 598 Methods of Historical Research*

HUM 597 Special Topics in the Humanities*

International Studies
JSIS 202 Cultural Interactions in an Interdependent World*
JSIS 203 Rise of Asia
JSIS 478 Fundamentals of Global Cybersecurity*JSIS 483 Special Topics in Asian Studies*
JSIS 486/586 Seminar in Southeast Asian Studies
JSIS A 205 Filipino Histories
JSIS A 210 Introduction to Islamic Civilization
JSIS A 221 History of Southeast Asia
JSIS A 244 Imperialism and Anti-Colonialism in Asia
JSIS A 245 Human Rights in Asia
JSIS A 265 The Viet Nam Wars
JSIS A 315 Southeast Asian Civilization: Buddhist and Vietnamese
JSIS A 343 Politics and Change in Southeast Asia
JSIS A 367 Southeast Asian Activism and Social Engagement
JSIS A 401 Asia and the World
JSIS A 405 Social Transformation of Modern East Asia
JSIS A 419 Southeast Asian Knowledge and the Politics of Information
JSIS A 447 Literature and Society in Southeast Asia
JSIS A 452 Global Asia
JSIS A 461 Ramayana in Comparative Perspective
JSIS A 462 Islam, Mysticism, Politics and Performance in Indonesian Culture
JSIS A 463 Topics in Southeast Asian History and Society
JSIS A 506 Study of Southeast Asia
JSIS A 519 Southeast Asian Knowledge and the Politics of Information
JSIS A 534 Indonesian Histories, Oral Traditions, and Archives
JSIS A 580 Field Course in Southeast Asian History
JSIS A 582 Seminar in Southeast Asian History
JSIS A 586 Islam, Mysticism, Politics, and Performance in Indonesia
JSIS B 103 Society and the Oceans
JSIS B 264 Violence, Myth, and Memory
JSIS B 310 State-Society Relations in Third World Countries*
JSIS B 351 The Global Environment *=
JSIS B 407 Political Islam and Contemporary Islamist Movements
JSIS B 433 Environmental Degradation in the Tropics
JSIS B 446 History, Memory, and Justice*
JSIS B 455 International Environmental Policy*
JSIS B 468 Theatre as a Site of History and Memory*
JSIS B 526 Political Islam and Islamic Fundamentalism

MUSIC 250 World Music*
MUSIC 252 Music Cultures of the World: Asia
MUSIC 439 Music of Indonesia
MUSIC 512 Seminar in Ethnomusicology*
MUSIC 533 Preceptorial Readings in Ethnomusicology *
MUSEN 411 Gamelan Ensembles
MUSEN 511 Gamelan Ensembles

Near Eastern Languages and Civilization
NEAR E 229 Introduction to Islamic Civilization
NEAR E 230 Introduction to Muslim Beliefs and Practices
NEAR E 536 Islamic Law

Political Science
POL S 320 State-Society Relations in the Third World*
POL S 343 Politics and Change in Southeast Asia
POL S 432 Political Islam and Islamic Fundamentalism
POL S 433 International Relations in Southeast Asia

SOC 401 Special Topics in Sociology*
SOC 462 Comparative Race and Ethnic Relations
SOC 470 Contemporary Southeast Asia


Courses in Target Languages

INDO 111, 112, 113 Elementary Indonesian
INDO 201, 202, 203 Indonesian for Heritage Speakers
INDO 211, 212, 13 Intermediate Indonesian
INDO 311, 312, 313 Advanced Indonesian
INDO 411, 412 Fourth-Year Indonesian
INDO 499 Undergraduate Research in Indonesian
ASIAN 600 Independent Study in Indonesian

JSIS 486 Special Topics: Introductory Burmese
JSIS 486 Special Topics: Intermediate Burmese

JSIS E 101 Introductory Khmer
JSIS E 201 Intermediate Khmer

TAGLG 101, 102, 103 Basic Tagalog
TAGLG 134 Intensive Basic Tagalog
TAGLG 201 202, 203 Intermediate Tagalog
TAGLG 301, 302, 303 Advanced Tagalog

THAI 111, 112, 113 Elementary Thai
THAI 211 212, 213 Intermediate Thai
THAI 311, 312, 313 Advanced Thai
THAI 499 Undergraduate Research in Thai

VIET 111, 112, 113 Elementary Vietnamese
VIET 211, 212, 213 Intermediate Vietnamese
VIET 214 Accelerated Heritage Vietnamese
VIET 249 Urban Vietnam: Work and Culture
VIET 311, 312, 313 Advanced Vietnamese
VIET 361 Postwar Vietnam in Literature, Media, and Film
VIET 496 Special Studies in Vietnamese
VIET 499 Undergraduate Research in Vietnamese

* When taught by Southeast Asia program faculty or when topic is focused on Southeast Asia.