Instructional Materials
Below are instructional resources made available from affiliated faculty and students of the Canadian Studies Center. Additional resources can be found at the Arctic and International Relations Series site.
November 2024 – Arctic Securities: Understanding Current Challenges in the Circumpolar World
This resource guide was created by the World Affairs Council, Seattle, to accompany a K-12 educator workshop.
Curriculum Resource Guide for Educators
February-March 2021 – K-16 The Arctic Today: Indigenous Peoples, Climate Change and the Environment Resource Guides
These five resource guides were created by the World Affairs Council, Seattle to accompany the K-16 workshop by the same name.
Inuit Homelands and Arctic Indigenous Peoples
- Resource Guide #1: Inuit Homelands and Arctic Indigenous Peoples
- Resource Guide #2: Ice and Climate Change
- Resource Guide #3 : Leadership and Communities
- Resource Guide #4: Language and Education
- Resource Guide #5 The Arctic in the Classroom: Innovative Teaching Strategies
November 2020- Curating the Conversation: Sharing Northwest Native Art and Art History with the Public
Video with Kathryn Bunn-Marucuse, Art History and Affiliate Faculty in Canadian Studies, Lou-ann Neel (Kwakwa̱ka̱’wakw), and Evelyn Vanderhoop (Haida).
July 2019 – Report, Social Science for the Salish Sea: An Action-Oriented Research Agenda to Inform Ecosystem Recovery
A transboundary team of interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners to developed an action-oriented social science research agenda that serves the pragmatic ecosystem recovery needs of the region.
August 2015 – 2-Pager
Quick 2-Pager of information to learn about Canada here.
October 2013 – Canada and Arctic Fact Sheets
Our Pacific Northwest National Resource Center for the Study of Canada (NRC) published two educational “fact sheets” this month. “Canada” and “The Arctic World Region.”
May 2011 – Métis, Mixed-ness and Music: Aboriginal-Ukrainian Encounters and Cultural Production on the Canadian Prairies
Video of the annual Canada-US Fulbright Lecture, part of the Jackson School’s Global Focus lecture series, given by the 2010-11 Canada-US Fulbright Chair, Marcia Ostashewski.
November 2010 – Teaching Globalization and Canadian Studies through the Media
by Rachel Dane-Poirier and Kristin Marciochi
Instructor Guide
June 2010 – Resources from the 2010 Summer Seminar: A World of Food: Growing It, Shipping It, Selling It, held on June 28–29, 2010.
- “Waiter, there’s a GMO in my soup!”, presentation by Branden Born
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Crop Production in Canada
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency
June 2010 – “Northern Sovereignty and Political Geography in North America,” presented by Donat Savoie on behalf of Jean-Francois Arteau, Legal Counsel and Executive Assistant to the President of Makivik Corporation, on June 14, 2010 at the conference of the same title in Washingotn, DC.
Presentation paper
June 2010 – Video from Marine Conservation in the Pacific Northwest: Whales, Salmon, and Sound, presented by Rob Williams, 2009-2010 Canada-US Visiting Fulbright Research Chair.
Lecture recording
May 2010 – K-12 National Directory on Canada (Preliminary Report)
This preliminary report, released May 18, 2010, provides information regarding how Canadian Studies has been and can be further integrated into K-12 classrooms in the United States. This report should be considered to be a snapshot of Canada in the US curriculum as of May 2010. For the most up-to-date information, each US state’s individual curriculum standards should be consulted.
K-12 National Directory on Canada – Preliminary Report
March 2010 – Resources from A Novel Approach to International Studies and the CBAs: Using young adult fiction to excite students in their research of Canadian historical events, all prepared by Kindra Kilgore, with inspiration from Katherine Schlick Noe’s and Nancy Johnson’s Getting Started with Literature Circles
- Powerpoint presentation on Lit Circles
- Lit Circles Introduction Handout
- Lit Circles Extension Activity Handout
- Lit Circles Extension Rubric Handout
- Canadian Lit Circle Ballot
- Highlight and Revisit PPT presentation
- Highlight and Revisit Form
February 2010 – From Igloos to the Internet: Inuit in the 21st Century
by Pita Aatami, President of Makivik Corporation
November 2009 – The Impact of Homophobia on LGBT Citizens Materials Packet
by Douglas Janoff, author of Pink Blood: Homophobic Violence in Canada
This packet includes the handouts for the roundtable, “The Impact of Homophobia on LGBT Citizens: A Canada-US Comparative Perspective,” held on November 17, 2009.
- Powerpoint, prepared by Douglas Janoff
- Reading List, prepared by Douglas Janoff
- Online Reading Guide, created by UW Librarian Cass Hartnett from Douglas Janoff’s reading list (above)
October 2009 – Québec Workshop for K-16 Educators Materials Packet
This packet includes handouts from the K-16 educator workshop, “Culture, politique et diversité du Québec comme sources d’inspiration dans la didactique de la langue française,” held on October 24, 2009.
- Powerpoint on Québec nationalism, prepared by Thierry Giasson
- Powerpoint on Québec popular culture, prepared by Thierry Giasson
- Handout on web resources about Québec, prepared by Thierry Giasson
- Handout on Who’s Who in Québec popular culture, prepared by Thierry Giasson
- Handout on Québec popular culture, prepared by Thierry Giasson
- Handout, “Pour mieux comprendre le quebecois,” prepared by Karen Boschker
- Handout, “Quelques quebecismes,” prepared by Karen Boschker
- Handout, “Dégénérations,” with blanks, prepared by Karen Boschker
- Handout, “Dégénérations,” prepared by Karen Boschker
- Handout, “La Réverbère,” prepared by Karen Boschker
- Powerpoint on First Nations, prepared by Karen Boschker
- Handout on First Nations, prepared by Karen Boschker
- Suggested Website on First Nations
- Reading Chart, provided by Karen Boschker
- Handout on French-Canadian Call and Response Songs, prepared by Louis Léger
October 2009 – Nunavut Land Claim Materials Packet
by Terry Fenge, Ottawa-based Consultant
This packet includes the handouts for the roundtable, “Negotiating and Implementing the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement,” held on 21 October 2009.
- Nunavut Map
- Inuit and the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, Terry Fenge, 2007-08
- Implementing Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement, Terry Fenge, 2008
- Nunavut and the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, Barry Dewar, 2009
February 2009 – An Introduction to Canadian Music
by Erin Maloney, Graduate Student, Ethnomusicology and 2008-2009 FLAS Fellow
Article with a brief introduction to music across Canada.
October 2008 – The Trans-Pacific Y to Y: Pathways to Local to Global Learning
by Professors Thomas Hinckley and David RM Scott, College of Forest Resources
Power point presentation on various initiatives to involve students in cross-border study.
February 2007 – Beyond Borders: Regional Partnerships in the Pacific Northwest
by Dr. Sukumar Periwal, 2007-08 Canada-US Fulbright Visiting Chair