Asian Studies – Major

Asian Studies – Korea Concentration

Paull Shin Korea Studies Program

The Paull Shin Korea Studies Program focuses on Korea within the broader context of East Asia. While it concentrates on the history, society, and language of Korea, courses on China and Japan are also an important part of the curriculum. In addition, visiting professors in other disciplines regularly complement the resident faculty.

See a student profile of a Jackson School major’s in-depth study of contemporary Korean dramas.

Course # Title Credits Quarter
JSIS 203 or
JSIS A 207
Rise of Asia or Asian Traditions 5 Autumn
JSIS 201 The Making of the Twenty-first Century 5 Winter or Spring
HSTAS 212 History of Korean Civilization 5 Autumn
2nd Asian Civilization Course One Asian Civilization course chosen from: HSTAS 201, 202, 211, JSIS A  206, 221, 241, 242, 254, RELIG 202 5 Varies
JSIS A/ ANTH 448 Modern Korean Society 5 Autumn
HSTAS 481 or JSIS A 466 History of Traditional Korea or Comparative Politics and Korea Studies 5 Varies
HSTAS 482 History of Modern Korea 5 Varies
Korea Electives
3-400 level
Choose from approved upper-level electives
Korea Electives List
Current Quarter Courses
15 Varies
Research Paper Asian Research Paper written with Jackson School Professor 15 pgs.
Minimum Grade Minimum grade 2.0 in all courses applied to major.
Korean Language Proficiency through 2nd year college level or 3rd quarter of 2nd year college level.(For first- and second-year language courses, grades must average 2.00)
Total Credits (not including language):  50

Korea Studies Courses