Asian Studies – Major

Asian Studies – China Concentration

The China concentration in Asian Studies provides students with a sound foundation in one or more aspects of the study of China. The faculty has particular strength in history, both modern and pre-modern, as well as the social sciences. In addition, an extensive range of outstanding courses is available in the areas of language and literature. Students in the China Program are encouraged to take advantage of intensive overseas language training offered by the Inter-University Program in Taipei or the Beijing Chinese Language Program available through Beijing University.

Asian Studies – China Concentration

Course # Title Credits Quarter
JSIS 203 or
JSIS A 207
Rise of Asia or
Asian Traditions
5 Autumn
JSIS 201 The Making of the Twenty-first Century 5 Winter or Spring
HSTAS 211 or
JSIS A 254
History of Chinese Civilization or
China in the Twentieth Century
5 Varies
2nd Asian Civilization Course One Asian Civilization course chosen from:HSTAS 201, 202, 211; JSIS A 206, 212, 221, 241, 242 5 Varies
China Electives
3-400 level
(a max. of 5 cr.
of 200-level may be applied w/
adviser approval)
Choose (3-400 level) to include:

30 Varies
Research Paper Asian Research Paper written with Jackson School Professor 15 pgs.
Minimum Grade Minimum grade 2.0 in all courses applied to major.
Chinese Language Chinese Language proficiency through 2nd year college level or 3rd quarter of 2nd year college level.(For first- and second-year language courses, grades must average 2.00)
Total Credits (not including language)               50
Click here for an online checklist of course requirements