Jackson School undergrad Micaela Adam has been selected for the Dr. Eleanor Hadley Encouragement Award 2023-2024, an honor given by the University of Washington Mortar Board Alumni/Tolo Foundation Scholarship Committee. Adam received the $500 award in recognition of her interest and scholarship about Japan.

Micaela Adam at The Hokkaido International Foundation, UW Study Abroad in Hakodate, Japan, June-July 2023
“I am deeply honored to be awarded the Dr. Eleanor Hadley Encouragement Award,” said Adam, who is a junior. “Thanks to this award, I have been afforded the opportunity to deepen my studies in the Japanese language and have been able to declare not only as a Global and Regional Studies major but also as a Japanese major. The addition of this second major, when taken in tandem with my current work under the Jackson School, is crucial to my development as a scholar and individual interested in Japan studies.”
Adam says her latest academic projects include:
- Recent completion of advanced language coursework with the Hokkaido International Foundation in Hakodate, Japan.
- Currently engaged with translation of the novel Yomtsuikusa by Chinen Mikito from Japanese into English. Yomotsuikusa is a horror novel which depicts the disappearances of several individuals near a forest believed to be inhabited by an ancient deity from Ainu folklore.
- Creation of a fact sheet, or policy brief, focused on the intersectionality of environmental policy and disability in the context of Japan as it related to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
“The Jackson School has made my dreams in pursuing Japan-related studies a reality. Their team of advisers and regular updates about ways to get involved in international studies-related communities has made goals– such as studying abroad– achievable,” said Adam. “I would urge any student considering joining the Jackson School to do so as the resources and help it provides are indispensable to discovering one’s academic focuses and career path.”
Adam’s Tolo Foundation award is named in honor of Dr. Eleanor Hadley, who is recognized for her accomplishments as being one of General MacArthur’s key advisors on the Japanese economy following WWII, serving on the faculties of Smith College and George Washington University, authoring a highly respected book about Japan, enjoying a distinguished career with the United States government, and receiving the Sacred Treasure of the Third Order from the Emperor of Japan.