In the video below, Teyloure Ring explains the Russian Federation’s attitude towards encryption and encrypted products.
Ms. Ring argues that while there was a lot of concern that countries such as Russia would use the San Bernardino iPhone case as a precedent to push for backdoors into products, the Russian Federation does not need backdoors into products to monitor data flows.
She discusses three major features of the Russian Federation’s data surveillance: the SORM system (System for Operational Investigative Activities); the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor); and the 2014 personal data law.
Ms. Ring argues that these are the three key attributes of the Russian government’s approach towards encryption. Because of these measures, major companies have built data centers in Russia to comply with the laws. Furthermore, the systems eliminate the need for Russian authorities to decrypt information because law enforcement has the raw data.