The Center for Korea Studies fosters teaching, research, and outreach related to Korea at the University of Washington and in North America. The Center currently supports a Korea Studies colloquia series, a visiting scholars program, student scholarships, international student exchange programs, an outreach program to K-12 educators, Korean language textbook development, and the publication of research.
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March 13, 2018
Posted by: dpal
Jackson School Professor Emeritus Don Hellmann believes that a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump is unlikely to persuade Kim Jong Un give up nuclear weapons. In an interview with King 5 News he
March 5, 2018
Posted by: dpal
In an article “Why North Korea will never attack the United States,” Jackson School doctoral candidate Clint Work looks to history to understand renewed North Korean eagerness to hold talks with
February 28, 2018
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
The rapid growth of digital data stores and the increasing vulnerability in intellectual property challenges governments around the world to find ways to protect and regulate the flow and storage
February 20, 2018
Posted by: dpal
Henry M. Jackson Professor of International Studies David Bachman is quoted in an article examining how relations in the Korean Peninsula may evolve after the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. He believes that while
February 13, 2018
Posted by: dpal
Jackson School Professor and Director of the Center for Korea Studies Clark Sorensen is quoted an article on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s sister Kim Yo Jong’s presence during the Winter Olympics in South
February 8, 2018
Posted by: dpal
Ph.D. Candidate Clint Work, a policy writer for The Diplomat magazine, examines how younger South Koreans view the possibility of a rapprochement with their neighbors in the north in his latest article.
February 8, 2018
Posted by: dpal
In the run-up to the Winter Olympics in South Korea, Jackson School Professor and Director of the Center for Korea Studies Clark Sorensen is quoted in an article on the use of Korean pop
February 8, 2018
Posted by: dpal
How is the second-largest Korean-language collection in the United States connected to Korean television dramas? Jackson School undergraduate Kristy Kwon’s journey started from the UW’s East Asia library as she examined
January 24, 2018
Posted by: dpal
Cybersecurity Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer Jessica Beyer and Ph.D. Candidate Donghui Park‘s analysis published by Reuters in December 2017 has been quoted in an article on North Korean cyber attacks
January 23, 2018
Posted by: dpal
An article on the kind of food that athletes at the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea may expect quotes Clark Sorensen, Jackson School Professor and Director of the Center for Korea Studies.