The Ellison Center is currently preparing the most up-to-date Summer 2016 course list. Please check back often as we update this site over the following weeks. Please consult the UW timeschedule for current REECAS courses and use this page only as a guide.
Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies Courses – Summer 2016
April 18, 2016
- ANTH 323 323 Human Rights Law in Culture and Practice I&S, DIV (5) Jesse A. McClelland
- ECON 200 Introduction to Microeconomics QSR, I&S (5) Knox, Melissa A.
- ECON 201 Introduction to Macroeconomics I&S, QSR (5) O'Dea, Dennis C.
- ECON 300 Intermediate Microeconomics I&S (5) G
- ECON 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics I&S (5) Ziran Ding
Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies
- GWSS 496 Global Feminisms I&S (5-12, max. 24)
- JSIS 123 Intro to Globalization I&S, DIV (5) Naslund, Skye J.
- GEOG 230 Geographies of Global Inequality I&S, DIV (5)
- GEOG 277 Geography of Cities I&S, DIV (5) McKeithen, William L.
- GEOG 280 Introduction to the Geography of Health and Healthcare I&S (5) Muirow, Arianna Rachel
- HSTCMP 225 The Silk Road I&S (5) Webster, Jennifer R
- HSTEU 113 Europe and the Modern World I&S (5) Zaides, Sarah Michelle
International Studies
- JSIS 478 Advanced Topics in International Studies I&S (1-5)
- JSIS A 268 Introduction to the Silk Road SSc (5) Talant Mawkanuli
- JSIS B 333 Gender and Globalization: Theory and Process I&S, DIV (5) Zhou, Shuxuan
- JSIS B 366 Comparative Law and Legal Cultures I&S (5)
- JSIS B 436 Ethnic Politics and Nationalism in Multi-Ethnic Societies SSc (5)
- JSIS C 201 Introduction to World Religions: Western Traditions I&S (5)
- JSIS C 240 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible: Old Testament VLPA, I&S (5) Martin, Gary D.
- JSIS C 320 Comparative Study of Death I&S (5) Cruz, Stephanie
- JSIS C 321 Comparative Religion I&S (3, 5) Sutrisno, Evi Lina
Law, Society, and Justice
- LSJ 363 Law in Society I&S (5) McCann, Michael W
- LSJ 366 Comparative Law and Legal Cultures I&S (5) Meyers, Stephen
Near East
- NEAR E 266 The Modern Middle East and Central Asia I&S (5)
- JSIS A 268 Introduction to the Silk Road SSc (5) Talant Mawkanuli
- PRSAN 105 Intensive Elementary Persian (15) Shams, Shahrzad
- PRSN 106 Intensive Elementary Tajik (15)
- PRSAN 404 Critical Readings in Modern Persian (5)
- PRSAN 490 Supervised Study in Persian (1-6, max 18)
- PRSAN 499 Undergraduate Research in Persian (1-6, max. 18)
- PRSAN 515 Intensive Elementary Persian (15)
- PRSAN 600 Independent Study or Research (1-25)
- TKISH 105 Intensive Elementary Turkish (15)
- TKISH 490 Supervised Study (1-6)
- TKISH 499 Undergraduate Research (1-6, max 18)
- TKISH 600 Independent Study or Research (1-10)
Political Science
- POL S 326 Scandinavia in World Affairs I&S (5)
- POL S 328 International Organizations I&S (5)
- POL S 332 Topics in Comparative Politics (5)
- POL S 335 Topics in Political Economy (5)
- POL S 403 Advanced Seminar in International Relations: Securing Europe I&S (5)
- POL S 427 International Political Economy I&S (5)
Scandinavian Studies
- SCAND 230 Introduction to Folklore Studies VLPA, I&S (5) Smidchens, Guntis
- SCAND 270 Sagas of the Vikings VLPA (5) Lars B. Jenner
- POL S 326 Scandinavia in World Affairs I&S (5)
- SCAND 350 Environmental Norms in International Politics (5)
- SCAND 499 Independent Study or Research (1-5)
- SCAND 600 Independent Study or Research (1-10)
- SCAND 700 Masters Thesis (1-10)
- SCAND 800 Doctoral Dissertation (1-10)
Russian Studies
- RUSS 150 Intensive First-Year Russian (15) Zoya Polack
- RUSS 250 Intensive Second-Year Russian VLPA (15) Zaitseva, Valentina
- RUSS 499 Directed Study or Research (1-5, max 15)
- RUSS 600 Independent Study or Research (Varies)
Slavic Studies
- SLAVIC 223 East European Cinema VLPA (5) Gordana Crnkovic
- SLAV 499 Directed Study or Research (1-5)
- SLAVIC 498 Senior Honors Thesis VLPA (3-9, max 9)
- SLAVIC 600 Independent Study or Research (1-25)