This report focuses on three primary themes within the international refugee regime and identifies gaps in protection for Convention as well as non-Convention forced migrants. The first, solidarity, refers to the uneven cooperation present in the refugee regime through international, national and local levels. Secondly, lack of access to information regarding the Refugee Status Determination (RSD) process and allocation of amenities. Lastly, the problem of documentation will be presented due to its importance for the consolidation of status, rights, and privileges of refugees. These themes will address concerns for various populations of refugees and forced migrants in particular urban refugees, camp refugees, and forced migrants not protected under the 1951 Convention.
Policy Recommendations:
- Solidarity
- Strengthen cooperation between international, national and local actors in the international refugee regime.
- Reinforce existing international and national treaties and agreements about upholding the refugee regime.
- Incorporate local populations and municipalities into the refugee regime response.
- Combat the influence of xenophobia and other prejudices.
- Access to Information
- Provide information on rights for forced migrants and refugees as well as the Refugee Status Determination process.
- Provide information about amenities such as healthcare, education and work opportunities for forced migrants.
- Documentation
- Facilitate the documentation process so it is accessible for all forced migrants.
- Encourage registration among populations of concern.