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Nick Gottschall receives Fulbright Scholarship for India

June 25, 2024

Nick Gottschall, managing director for the South Asia Center, was selected as a Fulbright Scholar for the 2024-2025 Fulbright-Nehru International Education Administrators Program to India.

The Nehru International Education program entails a two-week trip to universities located in Delhi, Hyderabad, and Ahmedabad, and is aimed at building global educational partnerships. This appointment, which Gottschall respectfully declined, recognizes his expertise in South Asian studies and ongoing contributions to international education. Nick Gottschall is wearing a grey plaid suit with a mint collared shirt and black tie. He has brown hair and brown eyes

The South Asia Center at the University of Washington is housed in the Jackson School of International Studies. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education Title VI Higher Education Act, it is a National Resource Center that also receives funding for Foreign Languages and Area Studies Fellowships for undergraduate and graduate students at the UW. The Center also facilitates study abroad; supports development of K-12 and college curriculum; and hosts student workshops, conferences, public lectures, and trainings.