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Montgomery on North Korea’s nuclear dilemma – nukes, not electricity | Global Policy Journal

February 14, 2018

Yongbyon Nuclear Facility, North Korea, 2008. Photo Credit: born1945
Yongbyon Nuclear Facility, North Korea, 2008. Photo Credit: born1945
Scott Montgomery

Jackson School affiliate faculty member and geoscientist Scott Montgomery

In “North Korea: An Energy Portrait And Its Lessons“, affiliate faculty and geoscientist Scott L. Montgomery examines the abiding dilemma of North Korea failing to exploit nuclear technology to address its crippling energy deficiency.

Pointing out that North Korea has almost entirely directed its uranium stockpile to make plutonium for weapons, Professor Montgomery argues that North Korea is still unlikely to face a complete energy boycott. China and Russia are likely to continue providing it with fuel as they are keen to avoid the consequences that a failed state close to their borders would bring.

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