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JSIS 495 J Rome – Marie Anchordoguy: The EU/European Economy in Global Perspective: EU-China Relations

Task Force 2020

Faculty Adviser

Marie Anchordoguy

Marie Anchordoguy

Professor Emeritus

Task Force

  • Audrey Black
  • Collin Chung
  • Allison Fliss
  • Olivia Holton
  • Michelle Lai
  • Yiru Lou
  • Lindsay Patterson
  • Shannon Pierson
  • Diana Van Hoosier

Students will learn how to cooperate with each other to produce a white paper that is more than the sum of each individual contribution. They will identity the issues related to Chinese investment in and trade with China that are causing friction in Europe. How should Europe deal with the rise of China and its impact on Europe? Students will discuss among themselves policy alternatives and come up with a plausible proposal for how Europe should deal with China that they can defend to an outside examiner. Finally, students write a common white paper persuasive enough to convince a policy specialist of the viability of their proposal. Students will learn the skill of cooperation, research, problem solving, and writing in addition to the concrete contents they will learn about their subject matter.


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