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JSIS 495/LSJ 491 Stephen Meyers – “A City for All?” Action-based Evaluation of Access and Inclusion in Rome

Task Force 2025

Faculty Adviser

Stephen J. Meyers

Stephen Meyers

Associate Professor

“A City for All?” Action-Based Evaluation of Access and Inclusion in Rome

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote transformative change in cities and human settlements through knowledge, policy advice, technical assistance and collaborative action. Creating “Cities for All” that are inclusive of persons with disabilities, older persons, and others are central to its human rights strategy to promote the right to the city. Students will take Rome as a case study for an action-based assessment and analyze all aspects of access and inclusion to public spaces, including sites of both political and economic importance and cultural significance, to provide a set of recommendations. Special attention will be placed on Rome’s green spaces (Rome is considered one of the Greenest Cities of Europe), and students will co-author and contribute a chapter to the upcoming edited volume Disability & the Outdoors: Access and inclusion in nature.

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